Parents & Family Questions

  1. How will I know./?
  2. Ugh why wont he leave me alone!!!
  3. Me and mym mum don't get along
  4. I should've lied
  5. What do you hate about your parents the most?
  6. Why did it feel like something was in the room?
  7. I'm Worried My Mum Will Get Angry...
  8. Is this illegal in aus?
  9. Moving out at the age of 18 in oregon
  10. condomss :P
  11. advice- my mom wants to kick me out.
  12. how old do you have to be when you move out?
  13. Mommy
  14. What would you do
  15. Critical parents
  16. my sisters wedding and My speech!
  17. Mother-child
  18. Why isn't my period starting?
  19. im wondering if
  20. How do you blend two photos?
  21. How old can I choose to live with mom/dad?
  22. legal to move out in one place like perhaps at the age of 17
  23. I dont want to be here. . . .
  24. is it legel to move out at age 17 in texas?
  25. Mommy
  26. Help I want my dad but I am scared to get hurt
  27. I feel horrible...
  28. The army
  29. How can I go 2 this get2geter / party?
  30. is it ok?
  31. How to deal with my 14 year old sister...
  32. Making dads birthday card
  33. Should I tell my cousin.??
  34. I want a baby
  35. Mum- raped and had an abortion.
  36. Finding a deadbeat
  37. Statutory Rape
  38. What can I say to my dad to make him stop thinking of suicide?
  39. Christams expectations
  40. Advice on how to tell mum im pregnant and 14
  41. My mum always freak out everytime
  42. Marriage is why we are gathered here today
  43. Psychic mom!
  44. Should I ask or wait?
  45. Cerebral Palsy
  46. uninsured family
  47. what do you think?
  48. How do you tell your grandmother???
  49. have you ever want 2 beat the hell outta sumone
  50. dad is giving me a hardtime
  51. dont see my dad and I want to go looking, what shall I do?
  52. pregnant teen..
  53. Family but No love?
  54. sisiters
  55. Metal 2
  56. long lost dad
  57. When too Draw The Line?? please help!!
  58. how can I convince my parents I can do good if we move back
  59. scared to face my sister because of a dream
  60. Avoid going to church
  61. How can I get my parents not to get a divorce?
  63. how should I take my mind off this?
  64. How do I get my mom to buy me a sidekick?
  65. Opinion on parents
  66. Irish and proud
  67. I need privacy
  68. Special Gift?
  69. friend advice?
  70. Why do people get cancer
  71. How to meet my Dad?
  72. Reuniting
  73. Only child vs.siblings
  74. My grandmother passed on at midnight
  75. What age should the child be left to cry?
  76. What's the best xmas gift for parents?
  77. Emancipation
  78. Parents, who to sit next to?
  79. My family hates me because I dont like our dog
  80. white girls dating black boys
  81. My dad is always mad at me
  82. Stressed out!!!
  83. Cell Phone
  84. Family Marriage
  85. I'm thinking about running away from home
  86. Other Wives
  87. Which family on T.V would you want to be?
  88. Mom & dad getting back together.
  89. how to convince my parents I need a phone?
  90. websites for finding people
  91. will you help me find my family
  92. was I wrong
  93. what is you favorite zoo animal
  94. How to tell my Mom that I want to move out?
  95. Moving out to a different state at 17
  96. Hating your mother?
  97. controversy
  98. how do I know if im adopted
  99. Parents!!!
  100. party permission