The army

I kinda want to join the army. and do a simple job that doesnt involve killing people unless I got to. but my mom hates that idea… I want to do it. but I dont want to make my mom mad. I don’t know what to do

Answer #1

Almost all parents want to baby their child and protect them from the world. But they also want their child to be happy. You should sit down with your mother and talk about it. Explain why you want to join the army and let her know that it will make you happy if you have her approval. Tell her that you don’t want to cause a whole argument over it and you just want to think about your future and what your dreams are. Hopefully your mother will see how much you want this and will be okay about you joining the army. =o)

Answer #2

just. . . follow your dream if your leading more that way go to the army best of luck :)

Answer #3

dont baby I love u

Answer #4

First I’ll say thanks to rickd and those who are or have served. Secondly I agree with rickd. You will have experiences and bonds unlike any other job. It will instill discipline and honor into your life.

No mother wants her child to join the army, but every soldier has a mother.

You’ve got a couple of years to think about it, but if you do, it is an experience you’ll never regret.

Answer #5

Just tell her that it’s helping the country etc

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