Should I tell my cousin.??

My cousin is 18, and he’s really protective over me… We tell each other <I> everything </I>. When it comes to me he’s always got my back, no matter what. He put his best friend in the hospital becuase he was makin moves on me and my couisn had told him to leve me alone. I’ve been keeping a secert for a long time… About something that happened to me, I want to tell him because I know I can trust him, but I’m scared he’s going to do something stupid. What should I do..??

Answer #1

well honestly I think it depends.. you should know by now how your cousin is and how he will react to certain things.. so personally think about that..and the choice is up to you.

Answer #2

do not tell hem, what are you going to change if you tell him now? may be you will make everything wors so please dont tell him. just move on.

Answer #3

Have you ever told your cousin something like this? If so, it can’t be much different than what you have to say. If your cousin is very protective of you, he would probably want you to tell him if you were hurt or upset about something. But if you feel like you can’t confide in him, try talking to your parents about it. It’s important to realise that you are not the one at fault. Don’t keep it bottled up, because it could lead to a mental breakdown. Although if this is a big problem for you, the word is going to come out sooner or later anyway. It does have to be your choice, but don’t be afraid to speak about it either. In the end, whatever your cousin chooses to do is his responsibility, not yours. It wouldn’t be your fault if he reacts badly, because he is 18 years old and capable of controlling what he does. But if you bottle it all up for too long it could have a negative affect on your life and the lives of others around you. I hope this helps you. Good luck. <3

Answer #4

I wouldn’t tell him

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