Parents & Family Questions

  1. Who can I go to about my dad abusing me?
  2. My mom wants me to go to church but I don't want to go
  3. I'm pregnant, what should I tell my parents?
  4. Do I need to express my condolences?
  5. Help me to stop fighting with every one please?
  6. Im 13 and pregnant...what should I do.?
  7. Why cant social services let things lye and let us get on
  8. how do I cope with the loss of my dad after 8 years?
  9. If you were my parents , will you support me ?
  10. Im 15 and pregnant,the dad is rents don't do I tell them?
  11. I realy realy want to go but my mum said no
  12. Computer time limits!!!
  13. How do you tell your parent you failed
  14. First time mom
  15. How do I make my mom take me out of a crap school?
  16. What should I do if my girlfriends mother caught us in the backseat
  17. 16 with a baby
  18. 16 and Boyfriend in the ARMY
  19. Was it right of me?
  20. Inspired Sister to Get Pregnant!
  21. is A'nyliah a good name for a baby girl?
  22. Does he even really care?
  23. Help me with my mom.
  24. My mum need a fashion fix.
  25. Can I move out to a different house my guardian owns?
  26. How do I get my parents to say yes?
  27. Im too scared to tell my mom I want to live with my dad.
  28. Please Read I need advice
  29. Urgent...
  30. what do moms think about there kids seeing them naked
  31. I want a party but my parents say no
  32. How to tell my parents I quit school
  33. Pranks on a brother???
  34. find a way to pay for invitro fertilzation
  35. Am I dumb did I pass up a good chance
  36. Is my dad trying to hurt me or even kill me?
  37. My parents died 2 years ago and I cant seem to get over it
  38. I just moved to Texas about 6 months ago
  39. is it bad if I think my cousins are cute or hot?
  40. Is the divorce my fault if I'm the kid
  41. How to qet rid of my moms boyfriend?
  42. Is it okay for you dad to look at porn a lot?
  43. How can I get over my parents deaths?
  44. Am I being over dramatic about all of this or is it normal?
  45. How do I tell my mom I need more woman products?
  46. Dad's girlfriend hates me, what should I do?
  47. convincing convo
  48. How do I convince my mom to get me bass lessions?
  49. was she being selfish or just doesnt care?
  50. what should I say
  51. How do I tell my mom that I think I am half black and that she lied?
  52. I am 17 and want to become emancipated in Ohio.
  53. Scared my parents will split up
  54. How do I get my mom to let me go to school
  55. I hate every single person in my family
  56. Why does my mum neglect me?
  57. Can I move out my parent house at the age of 16th thur the law
  58. What to do with my older brother?!?!?
  59. How do I convince my parents to get me a bunny
  60. What should I do
  61. Mom hates me
  62. My Parents Don't Like My Boyfriend. Help..
  63. Whats up with my parents acting so annoying?
  64. How can I stop my mom from getting married again
  65. There at it again but his time worse!
  67. How can I find my real dad?
  68. My little girl wants to visit her mother.
  69. This gets on my nerves...
  70. if I go to my grandparents house and my parents know where I am..
  71. I hate him
  72. Moving out
  73. Is this right
  74. Today me and my mom got in a argument over nothin
  75. Is it true?
  76. ohh ma godd..every day problems with my dad
  77. Mom, I'm gay.
  78. No Santa Clause!!
  79. How can I see my son legally without threats from my wife
  80. Older Brothers!
  81. How can I convince my mammy to let me get my lip pierced?
  82. How can I tell my mom that I'm pregnant, again?
  83. I lost custody to a deceased parent, how can I get it back?
  84. How do I tell my parents that I'm engaged?
  85. I can't go for a walk...
  86. How can I make my mom stop yelling and threatening me?
  87. Should I take my mother to court?
  88. I need to get out of here...
  89. How do I tell my parents im pregnant?
  90. What will my mom like for her bday?
  91. How can I be a mom to them?
  92. How do I tell my mom that I'm unhappy with school?
  93. How long do custody battles normally go on?
  94. How can I tell my mom to back off of the weight subject?
  95. My dad won't let me have a boyfriend, help?
  96. How do I tell my mom I feel bad
  97. what should I make for my mom thats creative
  98. How to convince parents for a new phone
  99. Howww do I convince my mom!?? Please!
  100. I want to scare my 7 year old brother I need ideas