How can I get over my parents deaths?

My mum and dad died 2 weeks ago since then I have been crying every day please give me some advice to help me get over it xxx

Answer #1

It takes a long time to get over something. I’m guessing you feel like you are dying always but you never fully die, you are just stuck in between? And that makes you feel ‘stuck in life’ ? Try this: Get a notebook and a pencil. Sit in a quiet place and write whatever you are thinking. ‘I can’t believe they are gone. I literally can’t believe it; it’s like they should be here. It doesn’t make sense to me. What will I do now? My life is so much different and I just want my old life’. Like that, except what you’re feeling… And after you can’t possibly write anymore, go sleep. Take a nap. When you wake up eat something you haven’t tried before. You might absolutely hate it but try it anyways. For now it is still too soon and you have to cry to get that feeling out. You can’t just keep it in. You can also write a good bye letter(s) and leave it by their grave(s). Remember years from now it won’t hurt so bad. And if you feel the pain now it will be gone later. Remember you still have your friends and other family. And they love you still. What you need to do is go through life doing random things. As humans we crave creativity. Use the bad emotion to your advantage. Write songs and poetry about it. My (ex) friend had/has a strict mom, and she always used to write poetry to feel better. Now her mom is nicer, and she’s lost her ability to write. Good things do come out of bad things. You can’t choose what you are given, but you can choose what to do with it. You can’t rewrite the past, but you can make a better future. Then the future becomes the present, and the present becomes the past and now your past and future look brighter too. You have so much power and you refuse to believe it. You have the power to cry and not hold it in. You have the power to be allowed to miss people. To be allowed to have emotion and friends and family. You can be happy, for the sake of being happy. You can be happy no matter what.

Answer #2

first off, I wanna say that I’m really sorry to hear about your parents. especially if they died at the same time. my dad passed away when I was younger, and so I know how that is. you’ll probably never get over the initial shock that both your parents left before their time. you also will never forget this, and it will probably change you in mroe ways than you think. but the best way to deal with it is to accept that whats done is done, and that though there is a lot of sorrow and pain there, theres also room to grow and overcome it. When my dad first passed away, I saw many councelors and psychiatrists, and they really seemed to help me. You should chekc into somehting like that.

Answer #3

Wow Im really sorry that your parents died 2 weeks ago and I know that life can be tough when you lose people that have always helped you get through life, but all you need to do is try and cope and know that they are in a better place. Everything will be ok as long as someone is still there for you.

Answer #4

Aww I’m reaaallly sorry to hear that. =[ You will go through the grieving process your own way, just let yourself feel how you want to feel.

Just think of all of the happy memories and all the little things that you would say to eachother, or like private jokes, I know that makes me smile when I feel down. Don’t be afraid to cry, it really helps. Some days will be worse than others, some days you may feel fine.

Talk to someone if you can about how you feel, and just remember that they love you, and they always will and that you will be with them again one day. If you believe in heaven, then you can believe that you will see them and be with them again one day. And even if you don’t believe in heaven, one day you will still be with them, in the same place/state as them.

Remember that you’re not alone. And you will never forget them, ever. Just remember how much they love you, and how much they want you to keep going. You don’t want to completely ‘get over it’. They will always be part of you.

Its not fair that things like this happen to nice people. Its alright. Things will get better.

Jess x

Answer #5

Just Cry. Let It Out Write IN A Journal. Dont be afraid to cry. Be with family. Talk About It Im here if you need to talk been through it with my dad.

Answer #6

im really sorry and I know that whatever I say it wont make you feel better. id suggest you to pray. if you manage to feel GOD’s love, you wont b so sad anymore. then think of beautiful memories of you and your parents. picture their smile on your mind and their image in your heart. think of how much they loved you and how much you loved them. remind urself that they want you to be HAPPY. DONT stay alone!! in these situations people think that they need to be alone but this doesnt help. Talk with other people you love about the way you feel. let them console u. Keep urself busy. start doing homework or anything you like doing. start hanging out with your fiends again. retake the control of your life. Remember that many people love you and dont think that they feel mercy for you or that they are just trying to be nice.

Answer #7

I know exactly what you are feeling… and it is really the worst feeling in the world !!!

I dont think you’ll ever get over it but, I believe this will get easier as time goes by and you will remember the best moments and it wont hurt so much… As to how much time , im not sure… as im also waiting for that answer…

I lost my mother to suicide about 2 years ago… im 25. my fiance’ left me a year ago and my dad just died a month ago of a heart attack…which I believe I kind of caused… It is really shit !!! And you can feel the lonelyness and silence now that they are not around…

I cant say I know how to make a person feel better as im pretty much trying to figure it out for myself… But things that help for me are trying to keep my mind busy… work harder, try and party or go out as much as possible… try make new friends all the time.

One thing that helps me keep going is remembering that my parents would have wanted to see me happy and successful… as hard as it is at times to carry on with life… I remember that one thing.

Hope it gets easier soon for us both !!! Goodluck

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