Is the divorce my fault if I'm the kid

My parents are getting a divorce…read my other post about my family and that will help you understand why but basically I’m a little bit abused or so people tell me and I’m not happy at home and my parents are getting a divorce now and are blaming me for it saying it’s my fault everyone yells and I feel like crap and I want to like run away or something…I don’t know what to do or if this is my fault

Answer #1

Itsz not your fault datsz just what parents say to kids because dey culdnt get their life togetha..

Answer #2

no this is not your fault. rour parents proberbly feel like they have failed as a couple and want to blame someone other than themselves. unfortunatly that person is you. but I am going through the same thing so funmail me we can help e/o get through this if you want

Answer #3

no it’s not your fault if you need 2 talk about it just funmail me ok

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