I hate him

im 13 turning 14 soon and I hate my stepdad he’s always ruining stuff for me like when there was a kitten on the path way that I found in the RAIN he said that I cant keep it and made me take it back to the path and leave it there in the RAIN I felt my heart tearing (it was a pretty cat it made me happy for some reasond I dont no why I love animals and I want to be a vet when I grow up) as I left it there to die ,all I could think about was getting him back for that.PAY BACK IS A B* . then there was when ever I miss school he always says that “oh so I see you droped out of school today” he is such an a with 5 Zs atached to that . at this point I dont care it he or my mom hear me curse . But all I know is that if he crosses me 1 more time then there will be hell to pay. I dont want to hurt him and im just sick and tired of him treating my brother as if he is some criminal child (4yrs old) and treating his lil birth child (my lil sister) as a princess (3yrs old) . he beats my brother (thats not his birth child ) for the dumbist of resonds, like if he puts on the wrong shorths ,or if he is having trouble puting on a shirt (for crist sakes your his step dad and you are sopposed to be there for him not beat him to death) . he hit my small a** puppy with a pillow I beat it hurt because my dog is like 1 ft tall . im not trying to cast him as a bad guy but my mom needs to hurry up and leave because I cant take it no more . pluse hes a total azz hole about every thing

Answer #1

It sounds like he actually cares about you some what… I would ease up on him some. as horrible as he might seem right now you will probably be greatful to him one day, I know it sounds like the most stupid advice, and “everyone says that”, but in all honesty its true, I know because just a few days ago I had those same thoughts about my parents, and after I thought about it long and hard I realized they weren’t lying when they said its for your own good. the ironic thing is in the future that little princess of his wont have as good of life as you do. I mean she will when shes at home with her parents but when she gets out of the house she will fall, and start to mooch off her dad. so he really is doing you a favor, even though it seem horrible and harsh at the time. I am guessing you mean he is verbally abusive to your brother, but it might just seem like he is. I would suggest talking to him about your feelings sometime, how seeing him treat your brother like that upsets you. he might surprise you and stop. If he is PHYSICALLY abusive to him then talk to your mother about it.

fun mail me if you want to talk, I don’t know exactly how things are, or how you feel, but I know how I felt in some similar situations.

Answer #2

Uh he is a bad guy. And an abuiser. Hitting animals and people is wrong. Call CAS ( childrens aid servies) Not only for you but for your family. Thats just not right. If you leave it alone it could get worse. I know what its like. Trust me.

Answer #3

Well you have a lot on your plate. You need to call a Chid and family services worker or even a trusted adult. As for you I think you need to look at bigger problem and not stuff like cat and dogs. Try to stay out off his path and try to help out your brother.

Yours truly, Demika Ray

Answer #4

Okay I really dont think its right for him to beat your brother for those kinds of reasons, espeically when hes that young because you are just then learning how do stuff on your own. of course he’ll make mistakes like that!! >:o

And I wish I could help… My stepdad isnt as bad as yours but I cant stand mine. he the most annoying living organism on this planet! && very rude and judgemental too!! I really dont understand how our Moms ever liked them…

Did your Mom ever get onto him about it??

Answer #5

search him on google he could have a bad record

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