Questions & Answers

  1. can people get tired of havin s*x?
  2. how much pectin do i mix in the water & to how much water 4 passing a urine test please repond need 2 know really bad?
  3. what do u say: happy kwanza or merry kwanza?
  4. Is there anyway my Army Recruiter can get my record cleared with a 2nd degree burglary charge and a deferred sentence?
  5. Who came first in german santa clauses?
  6. how can i not think about my mothers death?
  7. Is the name 'Leia' an English name?
  8. Is there a zumiez in Sacormento?
  9. Does accept Vanilla Visa Giftcards?!
  10. Can you end up being obsessed with wanting knowledge?
  11. How do i get rid of a program on my computer permanently?
  12. what can i do to stop my cat from trying to eat my chickens?
  13. Why do we only redraw money from an ATM machine we can't pay with it?
  14. What are the differences and similarities of the attack of 911 and the attack of pearl harbor?
  15. why my boyfriend dont ley me go through his cell phone?
  16. Is tvshack down for good now?
  17. why cant i make my screen resolution higher than 1024 600 on windoes 7?
  18. Who knows some songs by Ritchie Valenz?
  19. What do you think of the lack of boarder control in the Southern part of the US and the boarder wars, where lost of life has been so great?
  20. Do we no longer get points for tips?
  21. Is there a code on the sims that can decrease money?
  22. How do they normally inform users if the site has changed?
  23. What's wrong with my hands???
  24. How exactly does excercise work?
  25. when your child ask "where do babies come from what do you say?
  26. Which America's Next Top Model cycle do you think was the best?
  27. Who is that model in the commercial and ad of Agua di gioni?
  28. Is the theory that boys/girls grow up to date and marry their mothers/fathers true?
  29. How does Victoria secret ship, USPS or UPS?
  30. Which is better, being rich or poor?
  31. How long does it take amazon to remove the money from your account?
  32. What's a birth mark?
  33. Does the motherlode cheat on Sims mess up your game?
  34. how do i get the kids i babysit to take me seriously?
  35. what would you do if your boyfriend was more attracted to his *own* mother than you?
  36. Which colors mean what on that mood thing?
  37. How do I make a true type font file under my list of fonts so I can use it in MSN, notepad and wordpad?
  38. does the lemonade diet work?
  39. What is a good durable fabric to make a pillow?
  40. what is the best wii game to help lose weight?
  41. Is this website going under any renovations soon?
  42. Does applesauce help you get better when your sick??
  43. Is it considered "Gross" or "Weird" for a girl to have abs?
  44. does raw honey work for a face masque?
  45. Why does my right nipple hurt when I exercise or after a shower?
  46. how do you get ringtones on a samsung link?
  47. whats the point of being in a relationsip with someone?
  48. Are there alternatives to testosterone shots for female to male transgenders(something not involving needles)?
  49. What could a fast, pulsing or throbbing in your lower abdomen be?
  50. who knows if there is a number i can call or a website i can go on to track down my dead mobile?
  51. What can I tell my dad so he goes to the doctor to get a regular check up?
  52. Can someone please help me with a story plot for domestic violence?
  53. How do I let my basketball coach let me shoot?
  54. How do I turn off NetGear Firewall on my MAC?
  55. What could be causing a mix results when taking pregnancy tests?
  56. What do you think of transgenders(are you one, know any, accept or not, etc.) ?
  57. can u grow salt stalactites?
  58. Why does his sudden confidence make me less confident in my appearance than before?
  59. Why do people support and promote those 'Get a free ipad or ipod' ad's if they know it isnt true?
  60. what is it like be cyber schooled?
  61. What would you do if a man, out of the blue, pinched your booty?
  62. Why i can not be unnoticed wherever i go?
  63. How many hours can an under 18 work in the UK?
  64. Who knows where i can get "to write love on her arms" clothing, for cheap?
  65. How do you wash your car in the winter?
  66. What are those little bumps on people's upper or lower arm?
  67. How difficult is it to become a CPO (bodyguard) and can girls become one?
  68. how hard would it be to create a bullet that when fired and enters your body will corrode your organs?
  69. what is the difference between a geek and a nerd?
  70. where can i buy rock climbing shoes in the uk?
  71. Why do people always hate the 'Pretty' or 'Popular' girl?
  72. What does it mean if a doctor tells a woman her testonsterone levels are to high?
  73. Why we have to do jury service?
  74. What is the best waterproof & stain proof suede protector for shoes?
  75. Who here has a good recipe for meringue cookies?
  76. How old is to old to take a pic. with santa?
  77. How can you learn to read music notes?
  78. Which episode of "Are You Afraid of the Dark" scared you the most as a kid?
  79. Why does senate DEMOCRAT wants FCC to close down Fox & MSNBC?
  80. What would you define as "corruption in Government"?
  81. What is 3/25 as a decimal?
  82. how do you keep cats away from plants?
  83. What is better a chicken fajita or a chicken enchilada?
  84. What could cause your eye lid to swell up ?
  85. what martial art should I learn?
  86. what country does taylor swift come from????
  87. how do you actually make cash money taking surveys online, or are they all scams?
  88. How to fix my phone?
  89. Is it a fact that people who are left handed think differantly than people who are right handed?
  90. Can we form our own music beats using any software?
  91. Are there any websites that give free stuff away,besides coupons?
  92. how do i make my inbuilt camera work ?
  93. how to detect msn buddies online/invisible?
  94. how to deal with annoying classmates?
  95. Who invented INTERNET?
  96. whats the best thing for my baby girls sore cough ?
  97. Why do i feel like vomiting after iv done something sexual with my boyfriend?
  98. is it just me or are artists running out of ideas for songs so they turn to remixes of old ones?
  99. what is the best collage to go to if you want to be a mechanical engineer?
  100. does chicken nuggets really make your breasts bigger or does it just go to your thighs?