Questions & Answers

  1. How can I get my cousin to leave me alone?
  2. What is 26 decimeters in centimeters?
  3. What does it take to be an actor or actress?
  4. What if my popular boyfriend finds someone better?
  5. How can I hack into this girl I hate's Myspace?
  6. Why do we need school?
  7. Why are the famous treated different??
  8. Are there any stars on FunAdvice?
  9. Where can I find a horse adoption agency?
  10. What should I eat so I'm not fat?
  11. How can I get my Myspace password again?
  12. How can I not feel like I'm cheating on my former love?
  13. Am I suddenly not good enough anymore?
  14. What exercise will make my boobs tight and big?
  15. How do you make Gold the right way on Gaia?
  16. How can I stop bulimia?
  17. Am I just a rebound?
  18. How do I tell my family to stay out of my business?
  19. Why are my wireless settings messed up?
  20. Are there any work outs that will boost my stamina?
  21. What will work out my biceps, triceps and calves?
  22. What's the normal size of a penis?
  23. Should my penis get hard?
  24. How can I go about dying my hair lighter?
  25. Should I leave or sit here and waste my life?
  26. How can I fix my stomach fast?
  27. How can I tell my Mom that I have a tattoo?
  28. How do I check my answers to questions?
  29. How should you give two weeks notice?
  30. Does Alli work?
  31. What's good shampoo for frizzy hair?
  32. How can I make these strappy shoes more comfortable?
  33. Why are my dogs suddenly fighting?
  34. How to do goth makeup?
  35. Where can I work in the Austin area?
  36. Why won't my kittens eat?
  37. Will bright blonde in the middle of my hair look good?
  38. What's the youngest Jonas brother's name?
  39. What's the difference between jam and jelly?
  40. McDonalds french fries: soft or crunchy?
  41. How did YOU find FunAdvice?
  42. What is my ideal weight?
  43. How can I get over him already?
  44. What if I'm love with someone other than my husband?
  45. What to do about old tattoos?
  46. Can sex on the last day of my period make me pregnant?
  47. Will I pass my urine test today?
  48. What do you understand by fridge?
  49. How can I lose weight I've put on recently?
  50. How does Golden Gaia work?
  51. What's the valve timing on a Briggs Stratton engine?
  52. How can I fix my highlights?
  53. How many calories are in liver?
  54. What macro will give me Gaia Gold?
  55. How can I change my Myspace password if I forget my info?
  56. How do I know that my girlfriend loves me?
  57. Is it normal to want kids at 20?
  58. What is this pea-sized lump deep in my underarm?
  59. Why isn't my iPod Nano syncing?
  60. WOW Twink, what is it?
  61. How do you stop your period early?
  62. What new air intake will work on my Dodge Charger?
  63. Who wants to hire me?
  64. Can I still get pregnant if I'm on Depo Provera?
  65. How can I lose this extra weight?
  66. Are there online job applications for 14 year olds?
  67. What's quality makeup that will match your skin tone?
  68. How can I tell my parents I have a boyfriend?
  69. How can I forgive my Mom for what she's done?
  70. How can I get my girlfriend's passwords?
  71. How can I convince my parents to let me model?
  72. Does anyone else live in Pennsylvania on here?
  73. Is it just me, or is FunAdvice getting more fun?
  74. Is it possible to trade from Pokemon Sliver to Diamond?
  75. Will a curve in my penis hurt my sex life?
  76. Do you know any good psychology scholarships?
  77. Can I email someone my question in private?
  78. Is the support truly 100%?
  79. Will I go to Hell if I'm pregnant?
  80. What are the exact symptoms of pregnancy?
  81. Why can't the OB-GYN find a heartbeat?
  82. How can I pursue my dream to be an actress?
  83. Is this going to work out if he still sees her?
  84. Who sings mustang sally?
  85. How can I cope with hard times in this house?
  86. Why does my naval ring still get infected?
  87. Can my parents put my boyfriend in jail?
  88. How can I stay occupied when I miss my boyfriend?
  89. What if I'm pregnant at 13?
  90. How can I get rid of this spyware?
  91. Can I move out at 14 or 15 years old ?
  92. Should I tell my Mom I might be pregnant?
  93. How do I lose thick thighs?
  94. How can I get rid of a hairy stomach?
  95. How can I get dark eyeliner?
  96. You've dug my grave and pushed me take me out!
  97. Where can a 14 year old find a job in Ontario?
  98. Any advice on how to feel better after not eating?
  99. How can I lose weight quickly without pills?
  100. Can I move out when I'm 17?