How can I lose this extra weight?

hi well im wondering how i can lose wati and stay on it i do good sometimes but i get off it at times and i dont like it i used to take pills for my moods and the pills made me fat and i way 176 last time i checked and i want to lose 40 or 50 pounds at least and my mother and i will go to the YMCA soon like next week or so but im not sure how i should lose wait i call myself fat and worthless cuz i am like this ppl say im not but i thinkits to make me feel better so idk what should i do??

Answer #1


Eating healthy foods in smaller portions coupled with exercise WILL help you lose the weight. However, it won’t be instant or easy. Healthy weight loss, according to dietary professionals, is about 2 lbs/ week. Anything more is dangerous to your health and anything less is ineffective.

Answer #2

it not heahley at all im 18 & i lost 20 pounds by doing this


sodas,juices,any sugery drink

& drink water its the best thing you can do


you can eat what you normally eat just smaller portians…

no candies,chocolate,

its bad it causes the fat to delvope more

you will lose 30 pounds in one month you will fell better too..

dont kill you self at the gym do about 1 hour of exreises daily by walking running somthing that gets you going…

or when your watching tv & commericals come on excriese…

it the best way bye not staving yourself it works trust me…

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