Questions & Answers

  1. Who created Google?
  2. How do I stop PMT?
  3. Is running on the treadmill that necessary?
  4. How to find out if my baby's Daddy is cheating?
  5. Am I cute at all?
  6. What career should I go into?
  7. How to stop me from eating supper?
  8. Do websites show up on the Internet bill?
  9. Why does my girlfiend dislike kissing?
  10. Insanity or Justified ?
  11. Can you get free tickets to see Miley Cyrus?
  12. Should I buy the latest Three Six Mafia?
  13. Why do people make rude comments about girls?
  14. How can I quit doing hardcore drugs?
  15. How to become more ladylike?
  16. Who sings the song 'Hood Figga'?
  17. Is Amie certificate as good as regular engineering?
  18. How to get her off my Myspace?
  19. What are tips for a date?
  20. Will cornrows work in straight hair?
  21. Which is worse: Fractured finger, rolled ankle, or chipped tooth?
  22. What do you think of South Africa?
  23. Are you guys tired of the TV show Survivor?
  24. How do you get rid of freckles?
  25. Do you think I'm pretty?
  26. How do you tell if she's sending out signs?
  27. How to get help about hurting myself?
  28. How much will it cost to replace a windshield?
  29. How do I make her stay?
  30. Could I be considered for an advisor?
  31. Are there any Physics experts here?
  32. Are credit cards helpful for college students?
  33. How many songs can fit in 256MB?
  34. Which credit card is suitable for college students?
  35. What is the difference between a credit and debit card?
  36. Is a wired prepaid Visa good for people with bad credit?
  37. Is India the best place for yoga tour?
  38. How to make my Mom understand I don't like her boyfriend?
  39. How can I show people I'm not shy or afraid?
  40. What are good rock songs without curse words?
  41. Is there anyone who will talk to me?
  42. Don't you think this is the cutest baby?
  43. What are cute names for twin girls?
  44. Can you download Microsoft 2003 on multiple computers?
  45. What are cheats for Sims to make them naked?
  46. Does anyone understand Algebra?
  47. How can I calm my nerves?
  48. Is it really a big deal to be left handed?
  49. What happened on House tonight?
  50. What is Hannah Montana's e-mail address?
  51. How soon after sex can you take a pregnancy test?
  52. Why am I always thinking about food like this?
  53. What are good gluten-free foods?
  54. Why am I so alone?
  55. Do you need your license to sell homes?
  56. Why do people care more about homeless dogs than homeless people?
  57. What are some cool ideas for this party?
  58. How can I get pretty?
  59. Isn't it against the law to not pay someone for work?
  60. What's good eyeliner for sensitive eyes?
  61. How do I break up with my boyfriend?
  62. Why diet and exercise when life is too short?
  63. What do you mean "to keep the poor in check"?
  64. How to prove myself if no one will hire me?
  65. How can I get over this depression?
  66. What are good things to ask a crush in 20 Questions?
  67. Should I touch myself before a lad does it?
  68. Is the American Dream really a fiction to keep the poor in check?
  69. How to stop smoking
  70. Is diet pop bad for you?
  71. How to get rid of neverending nits?
  72. Is this lawsuit justified ?
  73. How to stop my period cramps?
  74. Will depressed and anxious feelings ever pass?
  75. Can one conjoined twin die while the other lives?
  76. Why hasn't my period come yet?
  77. Does anyone else like Xtina?
  78. Who is your best friend on FunAdvice?
  79. What to say to this bartender?
  80. What's your input on this wrestling situation?
  81. Are IUD's effective as birth control?
  82. Riddle I was born in 1983 and I become somewhat famous
  83. How to get pregnant with an irregular period?
  84. Can a convicted felon on probation work in a nursing home?
  85. What's your favorite rap song?
  86. Who's your favorite angel?
  87. Why are my cheeks growing?
  88. How long to wait before you wash your hair after a perm?
  89. Why am I late if I'm a virgin?
  90. How to help someone with OCD?
  91. Where to see Rocky Horror near SE Missouri?
  92. improve concentration
  93. How long do I have to wait to dye my hair again?
  94. How to get a free version of Photoshop?
  95. What if I'm sweaty down there?
  96. What to do if I'm infected with vermits down there?
  97. Do chicks mind stretchmarks or scars?
  98. Does anyone know anything bout bipolar disorder?
  99. How can I keep my hair shiny?
  100. Are beauticians and hairdressers paid well?