How do you tell if she's sending out signs?

theres this really cute, funny, awesome girl that I have a shift with at work. I almost look forward to work on wednesdays just because shes there. shes got a boyfriend… but shes sending out what I think are signs. she has all these ideas of things we can do together, we are comfortable enough to touch eachother (non-sexual ofcourse), she laughs at almost everything I say, and I can be in that personal space bubble and not be pushed out of it. so what is it? are they signs? or am I crazy?

Answer #1

You’re not necessarily crazy. If she likes you like that, then before long she will let you know, possibly by more bolder signals - but you would also need to show her somehow you would like it if things did go that way (if in fact you would like things to go that way…). But it is not a situation I recommend getting yourself into unless she dumps the boyfriend, before you start going out or doing anything with her - otherwise it can lead to a huge amount of hurt for you.

Answer #2

Here’s what you do.. you don’t flirt or do anything with her unless she becomes single. You just don’t mess with people who are already in relationships.

Answer #3

okay soo.. you think she likes you… well, if you really like herr and do think that she may be that “one” then go for it. if you’re that “shy” type..wait until shes singlee or just start giving out “clearer” hints to her.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice