Questions & Answers

  1. Do you think it's fair for a teacher to give an assignment worth 100 points after only 3 days of learning the information?
  2. What is this bump on my hand (read more)?
  3. Why can't I sign up for LiveProfile?
  4. Is it rude to laugh or giggle while making out?
  5. Is 5 hour energy bad for students to drink to stay awake for school?
  6. Do cellphones give out radiation?
  7. How can I close out my essay?
  8. Why is my jaw hurting on one side?
  9. FunAdvice Trivia: According to Virgil, which man first obtained the secret of bee-keeping by subduing Proteus?
  10. What is 'pins and needles' ?
  11. How do you think the world will end?
  12. can a man who has had a sex change to become a woman have a smear test?
  13. If I drank a whole liter of water in 10 minutes (probably less) will it harm my kidneys?
  14. What's the most memorable place for you and why?
  15. What type of shoes is Lil Wayne wearing in the VMA's?
  16. How can I stop thoughts of dying?
  17. Can I send fan mail to the star's record label?
  18. What are signs you got the job?
  19. What caused the division within the republican party?
  20. Does your hair feel/look different when you use a more expensive shampoo and conditioner?
  21. How to be less stupid in math?
  22. What instruments are used in the song "Time of Your Life"?
  23. How do you feel about Beyonce & Jay-Z shutting down a whole hospital floor just to have their baby?
  24. What would cause the headlights on my car to dim in and out?
  25. Do guinea pigs like people who talk to them a lot?
  26. Where do you think Selena Gomez gets her clothes?
  27. When is the best time to buy a MacBook Pro?
  28. Where to find denim vests?
  29. Do you believe in God or do you want to believe in a God?
  30. What are some interesting religions I can consider?
  31. Did you know that they found vampires in the 1700's?
  32. Is it true that olive oil is good for clearing acne?
  33. Should I start keeping a dream journal?
  34. Should I see a doctor for my hiccups; I get them about 7 to 8 times a day?
  35. FunAdvice Trivia: What is the name of the inbred family from the H.P. Lovecraft story 'The Dunwich Horror'?
  36. FunAdvice Featured Recipe: Ginger Chicken Stir-Fry
  37. What do you think of the name (Blue Ivy) Beyonce chose for her new baby?
  38. Is the word "paradox" a paradox in itself?
  39. What can I do about my mean head of department at college (read more)?
  40. How to get over school anxiety?
  41. What's the difference between an orthodontist, hygienist, and dentist?
  42. How do people become vegetarians?
  43. Does anyone know some good 60's or 70's slasher films?
  44. How can I prevent my hair from becoming static?
  45. Did you become a werewolf in Skyrim?
  46. Does the orthodontist/dentist whiten your teeth afterwards?
  47. What is a professional party guest?
  48. how does a female quint her vagina?
  49. Does anyone know what a "courtier" is?
  50. What happens if you go to a restaurant without money in the Sims 2?
  51. When is Season 3 of The Walking Dead out?
  52. could i be pregnant????
  53. Does anyone know when the X Factor 2012 Australia auditions are?
  54. How to sync a second Xbox 360 controller?
  55. How do I change a CPR2 file into a JPG?
  56. How do I know if I'm the right size and weight for my age?
  57. Is the Toyota Solara a good car?
  58. How do i get my mum ok with litsening to black veil brides?
  59. Can you still give a good blow job without deep-throating?
  60. do dreams mean anything? because i keep having really scary dreams about people coming to kill me
  61. What are some good duet songs (read more)?
  62. Why do I get moody so easily?
  63. Why does my dog like to be in my lap all the time?
  64. Do you have to print out a shipping label when selling something off of eBay?
  65. Can you take money off of a PayPal account and use it?
  66. Should I be worried about selling on eBay?
  67. Where can I play Zelda: Ocarina of Time online without a credit card sign up?
  68. How much does an agility model Quantum series free-floating snare drum cost?
  69. where can i find this dress?
  70. Are you excited for Metro: Last Light?
  71. What happens when a state doesn't follow a federal law?
  72. What story books are suitable for key stage 1?
  73. How do I make sure that the item I ordered on GameStop is pre-ordered?
  74. What are some inexpensive ways to soundproof a room?
  75. What is the best homemade hair removal wax recipe that really works?
  76. Where, in the world, do they stone people to death?
  77. Do you think my Harry Potter head canons are good (Description)?
  78. Where can I find this dress (photo)?
  79. How do I get my stomach back after 2 kids?
  80. What's too old for crazy hair colors?
  81. Is there any way I can achieve hair similar to this without heat (photo)
  82. What are the side affects of antidepressants?
  83. Would it look weird if I put on a headscarf?
  84. Do you listen to Indie rock?
  85. Why in the world would anybody wan to be a gangster?
  86. Is there a website where I can upload a picture of me and try on frames for glasses?
  87. How to know if a laptop is a Mac or a pc?
  88. Do you have any tips to stop bullying, or to help someone being bullied?
  89. When mailing a big envelope do you still put the address on it the same way as mailing a small, white envelope?
  90. What does this mean: "if not signed by beneficiary, specify relationship: parent of minor or guardian?
  91. Is there a nice way to tell someone you don't want to hang out with them tonight?
  92. What is the illuminati conspiracy?
  93. FunAdvice Trivia: What Egyptian cow goddess is the patroness of love, music, and dancing?
  94. FunAdvice Featured Recipe: Philly Cheese-Steak Baguette
  95. Should 911 dispatchers have the authority to advise a potential victim to shoot at someone breaking into their home?
  96. Can I download "The Big Bang Theory" to iTunes?
  97. What will happen in 12/21/2012?
  98. Which continent has the countries with the largest diversity in ethnic groups?
  99. What is the fear of bellybuttons called?
  100. What kind of illness do I have (read more)?