What's the most memorable place for you and why?

Answer #1

My hometown, Christchurch I guess, even though its become pretty unrecognisable! I have always loved it there and I have so many good memories of growing up there.

Answer #2

Its Besant nagar Beach in Chennai… I really dono why.. When ever i go there i feel some silence in me and i luv the place like anythin…:-)

Answer #3

Ponce, Puerto Rico. Is where I was born and lived until I was 19. Is the second largest city in Puerto Rico. Another one would be Japan. I love the kindness and generosity of the people and how you feel safe at night in Tokyo compared to other big cities.

Answer #4

I don’t really know.. probably the road where my Nan lived. She was the only grandparent I was close to, so I spent a lot of time with her. When I was a kid I once stayed at her flat for a week without wanting to go home. She meant a lot to me, so I’d say that road.. ♥

Answer #5

New Zealand. Paraparaumu to be exact. Lived there for two years. Was amazing. Lovely people. I wish i never left :( miss it so much. And that was almost 7 years ago..I still dream about it all the time. walking to the beach everyday… MMMM and the fish and chips OMG so good. havnt had any like that since then. awsome place.

Answer #6

Oh i miss New Zealand. Your so lucky to live there. I want some fish and chips bad lol.. Im pregnant and been craving it.. but cant find any like i had there. Gosh i miss it

Answer #7

I’d have to say the street I grew up on. My family somehow managed to pick a random neighborhood where a bunch of other families moved in at the same time and we all grew up together. I remember all the families would block off the street and we would have a big fire pit and a barbeque. Because all the neighbors were so close it was perfectly acceptable to stroll into one another’s houses without knocking or pulling pranks on each other. I miss that feeling of community and closeness.

Answer #8

I want to go!!! I want fish and chips too!! :D

Answer #9

Its a toss up between the house I lived in between the age of 5 and 15, just because I lived their the longest of any place in my life. Although at the time I hated it because it was so far from town and my closest friend lived 7-8miles away :(.

Or it would be my grandparents house, specifically at Christmas when I was younger. They have a big all rock fireplace my great grandpa built and decorated with all the presents around it and stockings hanging on the mantel looked like a Hallmark Christmas card.

Answer #10

lol mmmmm so good. dang it pregnancy… now i really want some

Answer #11

Bamber Germany. I lived there almost three years. i really miss the cobblestone streets and beautful buildings.

Answer #12

damn thats a hard one. i would have to say where i met my husband, in the resturant i worked in which has been passed through four hands in four years. probably the reason for it is because my husband makes me happier then i ever have been in my life.

Answer #13

Brigantine, New Jersey. It’s where all of my dad’s side of the family is & I have SOOOOOO many memories there. <3

Answer #14

My grannys house.

Answer #15

Seattle is the most memorable place for me because I met someone of great significance there and I constantly relive that day from the smallest details.

Answer #16

My friend’s ranch in Sonoma. She invited a few friends there when I was 13, including my crush. I remember every detail. He held my hand and led me toward a bench underneath a cumquat tree. It was beautiful, with all the blossoms. It was sunny, but not too warm. You could hear birds chirping, but that was the only sound. We sat down, and he held my hands and he kissed me on the forehead, then politely asked if he could kiss me on the lips. I said yes, and it was a sweet, 10 second kiss. Then he gave me a quick hug, grabbed some grapes from the fridge back inside, and we layed on the grass next to each other side by side, failing to throw grapes into each others mouths. We talked and spilled secrets. It was perfect! He then asked me to be his girlfriend. Our relationship lasted until I was 16, when his family decided to move to Ohio near his grandmother. I was devastated, but we still Skype every day and are good friends. We have both moved on, and are still happy. I will always keep that memory and place in my heart and mind forever.

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