How do i get my mum ok with litsening to black veil brides?

I like this band black veil brides, my mum hates them she says that it is suicide music but i dont Think so how do i get her ok with me litsening to it? I listen to it on my ipod but she deletedthe music of them and i still litsen to it but he argue every time


Answer #1

You are thirteen sweety, try listening to your mom on some things. I would also like to say that life is easier if do not try to make everyone conform to what we think is good or bad. That is what is wrong with the world in the first place. :)

Answer #2

Freefromself - what the sh!t? Sure she’s thirteen but that doesn’t make her Mum deleting her music because she doesn’t like it, okay. Even though she’s still a child in her Mum’s eyes, she still has the right to listen to whatever music she likes. Her Mum can call it suicide/emo/goth and other stereotypical names but if it’s not encouraging her daughter to do drugs, harm herself or consider suicide than she needs to take the stick out of her arse. Plain and simple.

Answer #3

Truth is your mum probably will never be okay with it. Its just how parents and teens work.

The teen has a new band or fad that the parents dont like, soon the teens that become parents will do the same.

Just dont play it when shes around, one day you might gro out of the music, or maybe not.

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