Questions & Answers

  1. What's your favorite gum?
  2. How can I write a short story about neurons for my psychology class?
  3. Are my mollie's young safe without being separated?
  4. When did Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network begin their run on the tele and how much are they worth separated?
  5. When did the Disney network start?
  6. Does anyone know the reason why Lee Harvey Oswald wanted to kill the president?
  7. What would you do to help your child if the doctor said they were anemic?
  8. Who believes that people lived to like 900 years old back in the biblical days?
  9. How do you tell what type a tree is in the winter time, when it has no leaves?
  10. Does anyone else here remember and miss the original Sesame Street?
  11. How do you replace the"Hangman" for the purpose of avoiding guilt on anyone?
  12. Could a reaction to pills cause stomach pain, and feeling weak and faint?
  13. What would be a good superhero name for this guy?
  14. Why can't I ask questions from my dsi, Wii, or phone?
  15. What if a bunch of midgets did the wave, would this be a ripple?
  16. Where can I find a photo of any big celebrity putting out their trash or something like that?
  17. Where can I go to shop to find belly button rings?
  18. What do you think about Watson, the new computer on Jeopardy?
  19. What do fish drink or do they not drink because the water around them keeps them hydrated?
  20. Why is the US government holding secret meetings to see if they can prosecute wikileaks?
  21. What does it mean when I have a pain in my stomach and I feel faint and weak?
  22. How can I find the weight of a 3' piece of 9/32" chain?
  23. How do I get more Bass in a Miata?
  24. How can you increase blood flow all over your body?
  25. Why do tall people usually date tall people?
  26. What do you think of the supernatural family TV show?
  27. Why do the police in my country not arrest these people selling fake DVDs?
  28. Is the quality of life really better in the Southeastern U.S. than in the Northeastern U.S.?
  29. What is the best make up and skin care for Combination Skin?
  30. How is it possible to tell apart a blue cat from a grey cat?
  31. What is the best way to clear a blocked nose with out blowing the heck outta it?
  32. What are your thoughts on Iran doing the same as what Egypt had done with the riots?
  33. Why doesn't Siruis XM radio have the laugh attack channel any more?
  34. How can a charity help people without creating dependence?
  35. Does Mississippi have an abundance of snakes?
  36. How is possible to make a chocolate cream that could be frozen easily?
  37. Why do people need proof that evolution is correct, when they don't need any proof that their religion is correct?
  38. Can somebody give me the link to a Lowes or Home Depot online job application if they have one?
  39. What is a polymer?
  40. What is covalent bonding?
  41. Why are some people so fatalistic?
  42. What are these 'droplets' on my wound?
  43. Can a woman get pregnant with twins by two different men?
  44. Would you advocate a law allowing assisted suicide?
  45. What are some good quotes about a dream for America?
  46. What is a genetic disorder that is not real common, but that I can still get a testimonial and a foundation specialized for that disorder?
  47. Are there any charities or organizations that deal with not just babies but something related to miscarriages or something like that?
  48. What would be the lowest sentence time for manslaughter?
  49. When is Pink due with her baby?
  50. Why does my ear hurt really bad sometimes when I wake up even if I didn't sleep on it?
  51. Why do my fingers fall asleep so easily lately?
  52. What do you think about the song "Love Me" by JJ Heller?
  53. Would it be worth it to learn how to type "correctly" instead of the hunt and peck method?
  54. Is it true that over half of U.S. dollar bills have drugs on them?
  55. How come the side of my cheek hurts if I didn't fall or didn't get punched or anything?
  56. How can I stop being so compulsive?
  57. Why can't the professor on Gilligan's Island fix a hole in a boat, but he can make a radio out of coconut?
  58. How can I call AT&T about problems I'm having with my phone?
  59. What is a webite that will list PAST and PRESENT hockey players on the Toronto Maple Leafs team?
  60. Do you believe it is important to take the initiative in a difficult situation?
  61. What is a list of you favorite restaurants?
  62. What is one problem your community faces and how would you fix it?
  63. Are you a leader or follower and how does that affect you in high school?
  64. How does culture influence you?
  65. Do you think beauty is the only thing you will need in life?
  66. How can i tell the difference between post-partum depression and just being stressed with taking care of two little ones?
  67. What should I give someone who lost a family member?
  68. Why would i be dreaming about murdering people?
  69. How come everytime I think about food or smell food I feel the need to puke until I'm hospitalized?
  70. What do you think of men with long eyelashes?
  71. What is with TV shows using the word "gooder"?
  72. Is it natural to pee your bed?
  73. What can you use instead of eyeshadow to set gel eyeliner and keep it from smearing?
  74. What are some good communities to write about?
  75. What kitchen appliance is called "Blaine"?
  76. What is the legal age you can travel to a different country on your own in America?
  77. What type of animal is Snuffaluffagus?
  78. Which arm rest is yours at a movie theater?
  79. Where's Tobago?
  80. How do I flip my screen right side up again?
  81. Do you know if anybody can be a security guard?
  82. How do you find the surface area of a cylinder?
  83. How do you know whether your dog is pregnant or just fat?
  84. How do I convince my best friend who is a Tom-Boy to come to my 19th birthday party at a spa?
  85. When a sad love song plays on the radio does anyone else just start randomly crying?
  86. Why is it that teachers can be so unfair on a question that has no right or wrong answer?
  87. How do you know if your wrist is sprained besides going to a doctor?
  88. Where are some good places to look to get information on breast augmentation?
  89. Does anyone have "freshie week" at their school when school first starts after summer holidays?
  90. What is this poem type?
  91. How can I pass the asvab military test?
  92. Why doesn't water go all the way in your ears when swimming?
  93. What are some examples of demonstrated abilities?
  94. How come when people are stressed our or they have cried a lot they get tired and go to sleep even if they slept all night?
  95. What's the fastest way to remove a hicky?
  96. Should I take Sociology?
  97. How do you get rid of bad dog breath?
  98. Who's watching the Brit Awards 2011?
  99. What does an antibiotic do while on birthcontrol?
  100. When's Justin Bieber's birthday?