Questions & Answers

  1. How can I lose my love handles and not my butt?
  2. What is a good place to travel for a romantic vacation?
  3. How do I get someone's Myspace password?
  4. Does Pokemon Diamond work with the Wii?
  5. Can you have sex before you've had your first period?
  6. How can i get my mom off my back about my boyfriend?
  7. How can I get my Mom to forgive me?
  8. Could my pregnancy test be giving me a false negative?
  9. Do you know MCR?
  10. How can I gain weight?
  11. How do you catch a cheating spouse?
  12. How can I choose computer memory?
  13. Where can I get customizable Myspace designs?
  14. What to do if I'm 18 and may be pregnant?
  15. Is there a way to make homemade dog food?
  16. What are these stretch marks on my boob from?
  17. What if I liked him better when we were just friends?
  18. How can I ask out this girl that I really like?
  19. How do you pass a polygraph test?
  20. Can I be pregnant if we had clothes on?
  21. How can I hide a piercing that's healing?
  22. What's the best exercise for lower abs?
  23. Should I go out with this guy if he's all about sex?
  24. Is it normal to masturbate constantly?
  25. Where can I get Pokemon game tips?
  26. Does sex hurt when a guy has a big penis?
  27. Should they make marijuana legal?
  28. What's good to sell on eBay?
  29. What's your favorite food for supper?
  30. Is there a second-most important language?
  31. Why doesn't my boyfriend's Mom like me?
  32. Which hairstyle is easier and nicer to maintain?
  33. How can I get this shy guy out of his shell?
  34. Should I bother being his friend?
  35. What things can I use to masturbate?
  36. How to find out if God exists?
  37. Why do my armpits sweat?
  38. Where can I buy cute thongs in Raleigh, NC?
  39. My Samsung Digi camera S630 lost my video!
  40. How can I get rid of this bad habit of smoking?
  41. Which is better: moving out or staying at home with my drunk Dad?
  42. What are the best products for dry skin?
  43. Is there a lazy eye treatment?
  44. How can I get my Myspace password?
  45. What happened to my beta fish?
  46. What if I'm in love with my best friend's boyfriend?
  47. Should I get back together with my ex?
  48. How can I calm fears about failing my GCSES?
  49. How can I get this person's password?
  50. Will this dye lighten my hair the way I want?
  51. What are the chances of dating for 7 years?
  52. Does he love me like I love him?
  53. Is this girl worth it?
  54. How do I train my puppy not to bite?
  55. Should I ask out this lad?
  56. Is there a way to strengthen my ankle bone?
  57. Can you dig up items in Pokemon Emerald?
  58. What's a mind game and is it a good thing?
  59. What is discernment?
  60. What do you do during family time?
  61. Why do people face problems differently?
  62. Do you have to feed snakes live mice?
  63. Did my doctor give me wrong info about the Pill?
  64. Should I get a job to help pay for high school?
  65. How do I get rid of dog fleas?
  66. How do I give head to a penis that is really thick?
  67. Do people really make money with Adsense?
  68. How do I hide a Monroe piercing?
  69. How do I talk to my girlfriend about what happened to her?
  70. How can I lose a lot of weight in 10 days?
  71. How do I find out what part of my engine is the problem?
  72. How do I tell my boyfriend I want him to be more romantic?
  73. How do I choose the right cell phone for me?
  74. Are male teens less likely to study than females?
  75. How is the Bible infallible if it was written by humans?
  76. What part should morality play in politics?
  77. Is Canon PowerShot A520 a manual camera?
  78. Do I have a chance to be his girlfriend?
  79. What are some tips on looking nice for school?
  80. In trouble for slapping my friend! What do I say?
  81. How can I lose 20lbs in 30 days?
  82. Will having scoliosis kill me while giving birth?
  83. Can you make your period stop for a bit?
  84. How do I put songs on a MP10?
  85. How can I get my parents off my back about college applications?
  86. Can you get HIV from sperm touching a cut?
  87. How can I get rid of premature wrinkles and a pig nose?
  88. What's a good chew toy for a small dog?
  89. How can I get better gas mileage?
  90. What's the best way to deal with stress?
  91. What's the title of this Civil War song?
  92. How can I earn money through my blog?
  93. Could I be expecting?
  94. Is he too ashamed of me to take me out?
  95. How can I gain weight by increasing my appetite?
  96. What should I do to become independant from my father?
  97. Is my pregnancy scare over?
  98. What can I do about my crooked legs?
  99. Does anyone earn money from pay sites?
  100. How can I completely forget my ex?