What part should morality play in politics?

What part should morality play in politics?

Answer #1

Morality, aka your core values, should guide you in everything you do in life regardless (every aspect) - the Bible says they’ll come a day when everyone shall give an account before the Judgement Seat of God….you’re responsibile for you and you only….it is impossible for us to be perfect, but to His own, Jesus says if we ask, ‘He is faithful and just to forgive’.

Answer #2

Saying politicians lie is like saying you don’t like snow because it’s cold and wet, or the sun because staring at it will eventually blind you. GET OVER IT. Sheesh. I challenge you to provide any culture or era in history when this was any different. Was FDR a better, more competent president overall than say, GWB? Was Augustus a better emperor than say, Caligula?

On the subject of “morality”, however, that’s going to require some soul-searching on your own part. If you consider yourself “pro-life”, how do you feel about the many millions of people who lack health coverage (many of them children) in this country? If you believe a politician should not consider divorce an option, or have extramarital affairs, look closely at the friends and family in your own life. Have you excommunicated them yet for their transgressions?

Politicians are human, just like us. They’re ultimately put into power by votes, but they won’t get those votes unless they first have some powerful monied interests funding their campaigns, who they’re later beholden to. We can try to push (write to, harass on the street) our elected representatives to enact legislation to reduce the role of money in politics, but for the time being, we have to settle for those pols whose voting records show some degree of conscience. We need to elect men and women of principle who are ballsy enough to step on the toes of lobbyists occassionally, but aren’t too stupid/idealistic to doom their chances for re-election. And that, needless to say, is much easier said than done ;). Good luck at the polls.

Answer #3

if you have not noticed already politicians have the presidents stamp of approval to do what they want …just consider them all a bunch of liars and thieves when it comes to looking after those things that are personal and important to you ….like they really care Its all about whats in it for them they are even willing to take bribes if the price is right behind closed doors

Answer #4

You made a generalization saying all politicians are liars…I’m surely not going to argue that yes, some politicians will resort to some unconstitutional ways, but you can not categorize all politicians as liars. And as for the ‘liar detector’ bit, that as well would be unconstitutional.

Answer #5

name one person in Congress who does not lie and if you think this really is an issue we should have them speak using a lie detector test hows that for politics

Answer #6

Where did you get the idea that morals are based on religion? Good morals exist independently of religion. If you have ever met a decent atheist or a murdering theist, you’ll know that.

To answer the question as it’s put: Morality should shape our politics but religion alone should not. We should seek to help as many of our fellow citizens as possible be better people and have a better quality of life. We should never pass laws, however, based solely on a particular religious code.

Answer #7

The extent to which the US’ founders were “Christian” has been grossly overstated. Most of them were far more enamored with and influenced by enlightenment ideals (and consequently even deism) than any good ole time Christian values, contrary to what you may hear from the likes of bible-belt congressional windbags.

Don’t like the idea of secular humanism? Check out the Jefferson Bible (ISBN 0-486-44921-1), Thomas Jefferson’s revision of the new testament without the miracles, references to divinity or god. He was mainly concerned with Christ’s ethical teachings themselves! What a concept (someone should send Mel Gibson a copy): the idea of being good to your neighbor as its own virtue, and not some heavenly reward.

Answer #8

But there is ( or should be) a line between government and religion. But lately I’ve discovered that line may have been breached. Morals, are based on religion. And the laws our judicial system set forth are all based upon these morals. Could it be that the founders of this country (who were all some denomination of Christian,) came to this country to make there own laws, and their on government based upon there morals, (and of course to practice religion freely.) If any religion never said “Thou shall not kill” or something down that line…Would it be wrong to kill someone, would there even be a consequences for that action?

Answer #9

If it wasn’t for mortality, they’d never die in office and be replaced!

Answer #10

Why would you make such a generalization, not all politicians should be categorized as “a bunch of liars”.

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