Should I ask out this lad?

Okay, There’s this lad at My school [Called James] I Don’t even kNow I’m That Well..But One Day I Just Randomly Started Too Like Him…I Don’t kNow How it Happened It Just Did. I’ve Liked Him for about 2 Months Now.. && He Nose I Like Him In That Way.. He Isnt Very Popular, And people Beat Him Up.. They Other Day I Was Hanging About with Him & His M8s And Some LAD Called LUKE..Came Over and Try Starting A Fight With Him…And James was Like Cause You Run Away Everytime I come over..and then they started arguin and I don’t Like TO See im In A Fight It Upsets Me Shall I help Im when He Gets In A fight? Am Not Exactly A Girly Girly and Am Kinda Popular so I NO I’LL hAVE people 2 Back Me Up..:s I just dont no what to do.. And As we was Walking to Form James Mate went to me “If you Want to Go Out with Him Why Not Ask hIm!” And I Said “because He’ll Say No” And James was Rite Next to Us…And Apparently James Said Maybe But I Didn’t Hear Im :s I really like Im And Everything I’ll do Anything for Im I just dunno what too do Anymore…It really Make me Happy when Am Hangin Abowt with im..

Answer #1

if you like him as much as you say you do then i think you should ask him out you have nothing to loose and if you were going out with him it would help him be more popular. i was in a similar position and it work for me people started to see her in a better way and really got to like her

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