Should they make marijuana legal?

Why is marijuana legal in other countries but not the United States?

Answer #1

xpunkx27 is an idiot because weed will be more expensive and less potent if it because legalized because the government will put taxes on it and they will lower the potency so people wont get too high. Also steph forever mine is an idiot because the longer lasting effects are good effects not bad effect and weed isnt very harmful, it is a lot less harmful than cigarettes and alcohol, name one person who has died or gotten lung cancer from just smoking weed with no other drugs or cigarettes or alcohol. You dont kill yourself when your high. If it were legal people wouldnt be killing each other over it and their would be way way way less people getting arrested. Youve probably never smoked weed before have you. If you had you would see that people can function and think the same when their smoking weed than when their not. It just makes you feel better. Weed should definately be legalized, it helps with sleeping disorders, marijuana is the best sleeping medicine know. It also is a better pain reliever than most prescription pain relievers.

Answer #2

Hell NO!!! Its a drug non the less and it is harmful and has even more lasting affects than smoking and drinking combined because if your high and kill yourself being stupid there is know second chance and its the same with achahol. Second chances with making minor mistakes not killing youself with pure stupidy and for all of you who think it should think of how it affects the children of the world considering people have killed each other of a stupid plant. Its not only immoral but unethical to have 70% of the damn population runnin around higher than a freakin kite.

Answer #3

I hope it legalizes then I can get more way cheaper than im gettin it now

Answer #4

Evidently the powers that be in this country have deemed it detremental to society.

Answer #5

omg wow steph_forever_mine are you fvckin serious? you cant even compare alcohol to weed alcohol takes thousands of lives every year I’ve never heard of anyone dying from blazing, yeah it should be legal but with an age restriction atleast

Answer #6

So weed meets the criteria for substance dependence? what the hell is that all about.. I smoke cigarettes and they are addicting.. alcohol, is addicting and I’ve seen it first hand.. but smoking smoke pot? no. not addicting whatsoever. It just is so stupid how alcohol, which is killing 100,000 Americans every year, is legal and weed, which has never killed ANYBODY, is illegal. The government has issues and no, I don’t think weed will ever be legalized.. not in my lifetime atleast. Too many people are against my girl Maryjane well yeah it was put on this earth by “God” but yet the government thinks they have a right to make it illegal? niiice how things work out. peace & love :) p.s. proud to be a stoner!

Answer #7

we have allot of dumbass’s in the US and for some reason they won’t allow us to impare ourselves and make us stupider… imagin that.

Don’t get me wrong, I smoke every day. I just don’t see it becoming legal any time soon.

Answer #8

Weed is one of the best drugs, cause you can never over dose on it, you can smoke consistantly for 10 hours and you’ll reach a certain high and wont get any higher. Of course it will prolong yur high but the worste that will happen is you eat a lot, have some laughs, and fall asleep, that’s it. Yeah stuff can happen because of stupidity, but thats it, STUPIDITY!!! Things can happen because of stupidity whether you’re high or sobber, like my neighbor he was sobber, never touched anything like alcohol, weed, nothin! One day he was changing the tire on his car but because of stupidity he didnt put the jack in the exact right place, and the car fell crushing his foot, now the poor bastad only has one foot. Because of stupidity, not weed, just stupidity. Did you know about 200 people die in a year because of too much caffiene, and that there are no recorded deaths because of overdosing on weed? Weed is the only drug that can’t kill you from an overdose!!! And one last thing before I leave…

God is perfect, Man is not! Man made beer, but God made pot!!! lol

Answer #9

Well, “amblessed” is only partially correct there. If you look at the history of the drug and the political reasons for its prohibition following the failed prohibition of alcohol, then you will see kind of an odd picture that seems racially motivated to start but has taken on a heavy financial motivation for its continued stigma.

The reasons that teens use the drugs…. is because it is a “drug”. The numbers of teens and children using drugs skyrocketed after Nancy Regan began a “War on Drugs”. She meant well, but the placement of such hyped taboo seems to have had an opposite effect. Experts have argued that this was a cause of poor auditing prior to the push against drugs even though the numbers go up, not down.

Here in California it is technically legal if you have a card that says you can use it medically. This is still a violation of Federal laws however and the DEA has the right to ignore local laws about the drug.

Hemp is NOT marijuana, but it is also illegal. This is where the conundrum comes into play. Alfalfa has more of the active ingredient in marijuana than hemp yet its similarity to marijuana in shape and color is too much for the Fed to bear. The lobbyists against hemp are not family values campaigns or anti-drug malitia. They are backing, cotton, timber (yes our starved resource of wood as paper rather than anything else), textile companies, and natural resources that are driving good prices in the market because of their scarceness. Greed keeps hemp illegal. Hemp is perceived to be related to marijuana which is a “drug”. So unless pharmaceutical companies, various anti-hemp lobbyists, and poor education and policing of “drug awareness” all become pro-marijuana and pro-hemp then the two will always be illegal here in the US. So the “society” that is referenced by ‘amblessed’ is actually a small number of people that are making good money by keeping it illegal. The majority doestn’t matter in this country anymore. Just look at the presidential elections. If we all had muskets I’d say that we go to storm DC for some answers, but today we are different people than our forefathers.

You want to change this scenario? Get people that are pro-hemp to get some motions on the next ballot near you. Raise awareness of who should be getting marijuana in a society that is suffering from more and more cancer patients yearly. Bring the fight to those that are behind the campaigns against marijuana and hemp. Show the statistics for non-violent criminals who use marijuana or have grown it taking space in our jail cells following the anti-marijuana commercials. ….. or just light up and forget about it.

Answer #10

ok honestly I’ve been stoned before and I NEVER wanted to kill myself and I’ve NEVER done stupid things before its what people are telling you to SCARE you to not do it.. it damages brain cells yes but when you STOP smoking they grow back now if you SMOKE EVERYDAY for 7 years thats when its over and your brain is destroyed every year this substance or thing kills people look at the diffrences! Tobacco: 435,000 Poor Diet and Physical Inactivity: 365,000 Alcohol: 85,000 Microbial Agents: 75,000 Toxic Agents: 55,000 Motor Vehicle Crashes: 26,347 Adverse Reactions to Prescription Drugs: 32,000 Suicide: 30,622 Incidents Involving Firearms: 29,000 Homicide: 20,308 Sexual Behaviors: 20,000 All Illicit Drug Use (direct and indirect): 17,000 Non-Steroidal, Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (such as aspirin): 7,600 Marijuana: 0

Answer #11

I have not seen a single truth on all these comments about marijuana. The truth is that Marijuana ruins a LOT of lives in the US. It ruins 1 persons life every 38 seconds. Look up the facts people… Oh, you want to know what the “drug” does to you? Absolutely nothing… The harm caused by this use is because it is illegal and the GOVERNMENT is arressting over 800,000 responsible adult americians EVERY YEAR. Yes, this needs to be legalized. Also this drug does NOT kill brain cells… Look up how they did the tests to find out there explanation. They took monkeys and hooked a GAS MASK to them and pumped in marijuana smoke for 5 to 15 minutes… Let me ask you… HOW LONG can you hold your BREATH? No oxygen is what cases dead brain cells! STOP LISTENING TO THE LIES… Do your own research, PLEASE!

Answer #12

So weed meets the criteria for substance dependence? what the hell is that all about.. I smoke cigarettes and they are addicting.. alcohol, is addicting and I’ve seen it first hand.. but smoking smoke pot? no. not addicting whatsoever. It just is so stupid how alcohol, which is killing 100,000 Americans every year, is legal and weed, which has never killed ANYBODY, is illegal. The government has issues and no, I don’t think weed will ever be legalized.. not in my lifetime atleast. Too many people are against my girl Maryjane well yeah it was put on this earth by “God” but yet the government thinks they have a right to make it illegal? niiice how things work out. peace & love :) p.s. proud to be a stoner!

Answer #13

I have not seen a single truth on all these comments about marijuana. The truth is that Marijuana ruins a LOT of lives in the US. It ruins 1 persons life every 38 seconds. Look up the facts people… Oh, you want to know what the “drug” does to you? Absolutely nothing… The harm caused by this use is because it is illegal and the GOVERNMENT is arressting over 800,000 responsible adult americians EVERY YEAR. Yes, this needs to be legalized. Also this drug does NOT kill brain cells… Look up how they did the tests to find out there explanation. They took monkeys and hooked a GAS MASK to them and pumped in marijuana smoke for 5 to 15 minutes… Let me ask you… HOW LONG can you hold your BREATH? No oxygen is what cases dead brain cells! STOP LISTENING TO THE LIES… Do your own research, PLEASE!

Answer #14

That doesnt mean that marijuana is worse for you than tabacco, look almost anywhere on the internet, write something like “what is worse marijuana or tobacco”, or something like that, you will see what is worse, also that study only shows some of the chemicals that marijuana has more of than tobacco has, that study doesnt show all of the chemicals that tobacco has more of than marijuana, including nicotine which marijuana doesnt have and is addictive, marijuana is not addictive

Answer #15

Recent Study:

Dec. 14, 2007 – New research from Canada shows that some toxins may be more abundant in marijuana cigarettes than tobacco cigarettes.

The researchers burned 30 marijuana cigarettes and 30 tobacco cigarettes on a machine in their lab, measuring levels of chemicals in the smoke.

Ammonia levels were up to 20 times higher in marijuana smoke than in tobacco smoke. Levels of hydrogen cyanide and nitrogen-related chemicals were three to five times higher in marijuana smoke than in tobacco smoke.

Answer #16

YES!!! It’s awesome, helps me sleep. The best thing that I’ve ever put in my body.

Answer #17

fukiing yes they should. :]

Answer #18

Medical marijuana, yes. Recreational marijuana.. not sure yet. I need more info.

Answer #19

They are afraid potheads will take over the country… muhahahhahhaha

Answer #20

Cuz the ppl in otha countries are just a bunch of lucky b*stards!

Answer #21

In Canada we can use it only for medicinal reasons and it is a very controlled amount.

Answer #22

it should be lmao…:P

Answer #23

It’s not legal in the Uk either! ):

Answer #24

it will probably become legal again because alcohol used to be illegal in the 20s but now its not

Answer #25

its all due to “bad journalism”

These are some of the comments I have copied from a forum

-pharmaceuticals are known to kill more people than illegal drugs

-marijuana is the number 1 cash crop in the world it serves as a natural medicine and has many other uses thats why they prohibited it so big companies can make more profit thanks to “bad journalism”

-can also help aids patients, aids diminishes appetite have them smoke a joint and they regain their appetite counteracting the illness

-no one can die from smoking cannabis and has been no known deaths compared to everything else including alcohol, tobacco, etc..

I myself have asthma and smoking opens up my airways making it easier to breathe with no side effects when medically legalized in my state I look foward to becoming a patient for prescription marijuana. 12 states have already legalized it along with other countries in the world and more following my job is to educate people that are not aware of the plants uses


-I did most of my research through websites, books, magazines, and the news high times magazine etc..

  • theres more to it than just getting high and I believe legalizing it would make this a better world to live in

-God bless the whole crop!

  • and for people that dont smoke, you dont need to smoke it to support it

-all the better reason for the government to legalize.. couple reasons why it should be legalized: -will be removed from black market and stop empowering gang members -medical reasons -would be sold like alcohol, remember alcohol was once prohibited too (in stores away from children, have to be 21+) -would be a law that you cant drive while intoxicated on weed -prison population would lower (prisons are overcrowding with nonviolent offenders) -keep patients from being convicted -would provide millions of jobs for people -would make us an independent country (fuel, etc.., debt free america)

people with an addiction (including hard drugs) shouldnt be thrown in jail, they need help theres more people in jail with mental illnesses than there are in mental institutions

the list goes on

  • the War on Drugs is a failure, its a war on its own people. policies need to be changed we pay billions in taxpayers money to keep the war going and neither side is winning thats just a waste of our tax money I wonder what they do with all that money.. those greedy bastards just sell drugs back onto the street, you can even check urself on that there was a time when there was a cia operation transporting drugs overseas into america the government also provided Rick Ross with plenty of heroin to go around, course making money from it

the truth must be exposed, theyre dirty work must stop!

-Of course we can do something about it, we all just need to unite screw the federal government remember slavery? if no one stood up im pretty sure it would still be going on people were tortured, beaten, killed and thrown in jail but that didnt stop them standing up for their rights eventually slavery was abolished same with alcohol prohibition eventually became re-legalized

  • its like theres some kind of conspiracy going on I sense the government is up to no good and trying to control us. credit cards, money, and now they have chips that can be implanted in skin for uselful reasons but if in the wrong hands well were pretty much fuct they hiding the truth from us its dangerous to be right when the government is wrong they got theyre privacy but we dont. they want to know everything were doing on our leisure time

get up stand up!

  • marijuanas not anti-establishment because its illegal, its illegal because its anti-establishment

all facts stated have been double-checked and confirmed what more info? lets all make this a better place to live in!

Answer #26

I personally think that marijuana should be legal. I mean come on I don’t think the government sees it. They are always in it for the MONEY. That’s all our government cares about. If they make it legal to sell and purchase then our government can tax the holy living st out of it!! I’m sure if they look at it that way it would make a difference. Since we are in it for the money I bet they would just love to be able to tax the BIGGEST cash crop in this entire world. And besides pot doesn’t kill. Yes it can impair your judgement but it doesn’t take lives. Did you know you hve to smoke your body weight in pot to overdose? I’m sure a 150 pound man couldn’t even overdose. Seriously who the hell is going to get 2400 ounces of marijuana? plus there would be no physical way to smoke that much pot in the time that it would be all out of your system. I think that it’s illegal because the government knows that it would be a ncie way to kick back to smoke some pot and obviously they don’t want us to have any fun. Seriously America is a FREE country right? Well so much for that. Imagine if washington could see what we have done to his poor little America. He would probably st his pants. The government should have the right to control stuff but don’t you ever think they got a little too controlling? The world wouldn’t be such a bad place if pot was legal. If everyone smoked it then (well most of us) would be happy. At all these bs UN meetings maybe they should pull out the old bong and each take a couple rips. SUrely enough in a few hours everything would be all settled because we would all be happy with each other. Pot doesn’t make you violent and doesn’t make you wanna go out and shoot your neighbor in the head. No it makes you happy and very very relaxed. I think pot is the most relaxing thing in this entire world. I’ve done my share of drugs each one is different and if I had to choose out of the top three abused. Cigarettes, alchohol, or marijuana I would choose the marijuana. It is a myth that pot is a gateway drug. Seriously are you gonna smoke your first bowl ever and then decide that you wanna go take a hit of crack? Maybe even buy some meth? The people that use marijuana as a gateway drug are idiots. The people that start by smoking pot and then go onto harder drugs like crack or meth or cocaine are just as likely to have done hard drugs long before they even started smoking pot. Just some of the poeple that sell pot also sell harder drugs and they will offer them to them and the dumbass pot smoker will buy it to see if it what they want. With commonly abused things like pot and alchohol you have to look at things. Alchohol is made by man pot is a plant. Why not just go smoke some grass form your lawn I’m sure with all the chemicals in it that it will do something to you. It might just give you a headache but still isn’t that just like a high? It’s just messing with yoru mind a little bit the same as pot. Just with pot the messing with yoru mind is a very relaxing. Has anyone that is actually taking the time to read all of those ever met a very angry and pissed off pot smoker? If so please tell me because I never have. I have only met ones that are happy. People like to abuse marijuana and I think that is one reason why it is illegal. But then again people abuse just abuot everything. We abuse power, we abuse drugs, we abuse mcdonalds for christs sakes. I’ve never met someone addiced to marijuana. I’ve met people addicted to porn but still that is legal? Alchoholism? Some of these addictions are crazy but pot is not addicting. Yet still it’s illegal. If everyone opened up their eyes to see what the effects of it are then maybe it wuold be legal. There wouldn’t be so many people in jail for doing nothing much smoking a plant from the ground. So if it is so bad then why did god or whatever you feel comfortable with calling the higher power put it on this earth??? But anwyas if you have read this far already then you are probably one very bored individual indeed. I hope this has maybe opened peoples eyes to the truth on the matter. So come on America make Tetrahydrocannabinol legal to purchase and smoke! Pot could be the helper of this world. It might not be but it sure could bring it a lot of money for us all if we sell it to other countries so come on let’s make it legal and help out national money crisis! let’s not have another great depression if we can stop it!! Thank you if you read this far. :]

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