Questions & Answers

  1. What is a good slogan for an antislavery poster?
  2. Does being anorexic cause you to become more hairy?
  3. Why do parents always want to know how you feel?
  4. When doing my acrylic nails myself, can I take a shower the same day or will it ruin my nails?
  5. How do Political Parties Manage education?
  6. What dinner for two would you suggest?
  7. How can I become less afraid of High school?
  8. What does the word "provocative" mean?
  9. Why would my head feel like I'm waterlogged but I haven't been in any water?
  10. Is anybody else here a film/movie nerd?
  11. What restaurants let you order online (In America)?
  12. Are love calculators accurate?
  13. Where would I go to get a skateboard?
  14. How do I tell my mom that I don't want her to date the friend of my father who passed away?
  15. What do you think about Arby's new slogan "It's Good Mood Food"?
  16. Are male genitals or female genitals more sensitive?
  17. Would glasses stop me from getting headaches whilst being on my laptop?
  18. Do gyms provide towels?
  19. Is it possible to make brown hair white without bleaching it ?
  20. What do you think of my newest art piece?
  21. When can I box dye my hair again?
  22. What could I do so I'm not smelly while sitting in my wheelchair and out and about?
  23. How much does an average Compulsory Basic Training test in the UK cost?
  24. Why do I now have excruciating period pains when I've never had them before?
  25. Is this sexual harrassmet?
  26. Where can I buy the Handbook for the Recently Deceased like the copy in the movie Beetlejuice?
  27. What is all that "Becky" joke about?
  28. Why is it that calming songs get me anxious or nervous at times?
  29. Do guys like the smell of a vagina?
  30. How badly do suspensions affect your permanent record?
  31. How did the Mexican Drug rebellion start?
  32. How old do you have to be to go to "Warped Tour"?
  33. How many male writers are in the United States?
  34. Does anyone know if another Batman movie is coming out, and if so, will it have Harley Quinn in it?
  35. What are some ways I can fix my life?
  36. How did teenage girls do their hair in the 90's?
  37. How can I draw very dramatic stitches on my face?
  38. What causes you to see shooting stars when you do something like blowing your nose to hard?
  39. What would happen if everyone in any particular country had to take a test to make sure they knew enough about their country?
  40. How do trees get holes in them?
  41. What would be a good title for a leaflet that's trying to promote wearing sun lotion?
  42. Who watched last night's episode of "House", and what was your reaction at the end?
  43. Why can't I see all the new how-tos?
  44. How can I get the principals off my back?
  45. What kind of ink can I use on my jumper that won't wash off?
  46. Who here has a way for detecting sarcasm?
  47. What is the impact of globalisation on comunication, culture and curriculum in school or universities?
  48. What are some good books about MODERN China?
  49. What exactly is "extacy" made of?
  50. What's Adam's story on Degrassi?
  51. Why do you always have to use a metal spoon to fold in egg whites?
  52. Why do I feel like I'm gasping for air when I breathe?
  53. Who was "Baby Lindbergh"?
  54. Should I go Homebound from school?
  55. What could cause me to go from extremely happy to depressed for basically no reason?
  56. What happens if your family member is in need of blood but your blood type is a different one; do they still expect you to share?
  57. What do I do when my ear won't stop twitching and it's driving me absolutely mad?
  58. How much money would they give me if I pawn my mini laptop that was a little over $300 but the charger doesn't always work?
  59. What is a limerick; could someone please demonstrate a limerick on the intolerable acts?
  60. What are some really creative ideas for a hat?
  61. Is it good to drink milk before breakfast or after breakfast?
  62. How does the Linux OS organisation earn money if they give the OS free to all?
  63. Does everyone with a computer have a MAC address?
  64. How can I fall asleep really fast while listening to music, or plugging my ears, or having the tv on?
  65. Why do I feel sick and/or dizzy if I don't eat for a few hours?
  66. Is it bad that I've started talking to myself lately?
  67. Who can help me get close to my old hair part back again?
  68. How does a foreigner do business with America?
  69. What do you think of AT&T buying T-Mobile?
  70. What are some songs that can relate to the themes and events of the book "A Seperate Peace" by John Knowles?
  71. What is the difference between a joint and a blunt?
  72. Is anyone good at making up a diet and exercise plan?
  73. How come when women get pregnant their bellybuttons stick out?
  74. Is Dayquil a good medication to take if you have a tickle in your throat?
  75. Do I have an anxiety disorder?
  76. How do I get rid of the tightness in my chest when I'm angry or sad?
  77. Which Star best sang the Star Spangled Banner at an NFL Super Bowl?
  78. When you give clothes to Plato's Closet, do they give you money after the item sells?
  79. Why did the people in Hong Kong stock up on iodized salt when they were afraid of reactions to the nuclear crisis?
  80. Do you burn fat better by walking or running?
  81. What ever happened to Goku's flying nimbus?
  82. How can I make a song on a CD be karaoke?
  83. What foods trigger the thighs and butt area to make it bigger?
  84. Can anyone come up with a parody using a recent song?
  85. How do you find MSN conversations on your computer and delete them?
  86. Do ouija boards actually work and predict the future?
  87. How true is it that AT&T bought out T-Mobile?
  88. What members of Young Money smoke weed?
  89. How can I tell my mom I hate my stepdad?
  90. Do dreams have anything to do with your life?
  91. What are some games I can play with my 6 year old sister since she won't stop bugging me that she's bored?
  92. Why do I have a weak stomach and a horrible gag reflex?
  93. What does "defrauding" mean and what is the current situation about getting paid for points?
  94. Why is it that when applying to be a citizen for another country, you need to know more than the people who are already citizens?
  95. Can someone explain to me how the progressive tax is calculated?
  96. Where can I buy an iPhone 4?
  97. Would this story concept offend you?
  98. What activities can I get involved in for the rest of this year since I'm home-schooled?
  99. What are dry shampoos?
  100. Why do my eyes burn when I smell something bad?