Questions & Answers

  1. Is hissing for a cat the same as growling for a dog?
  2. Why is Plants vs Zombies such an addicting game?
  3. Do girls feel offended if I ask them for a blowjob?
  4. Does anyone know a good mille-feuille recipe?
  5. How can i make my mom believe me?
  6. How many inches is a size zero waist?
  7. Why do so many people seem to think video games are antisocial even though they are extremely social now especially when I play online?
  8. Is the name 'Alice' Irish?
  9. Is there such thing as being too serious about serving God?
  10. How many calories is a 14 year old supposed to consume in a day?
  11. Can a person get a pimple underneath their eyebrow?
  12. Why do I get nauseous when I see police lights or other bright flashing lights, but when I watch the All of the Lights music video by Kanye West nothing happened?
  13. What kind of products are there that plug into the transponder in your vehicle and broadcast your Ipod onto a vacant radio frequency?
  14. What are some challenging and fun pastries to make?
  15. How many calories are in a small Chai Latte?
  16. How do you build an egg protector with limited supplies?
  17. What's the difference between a motto, a slogan, and a quote?
  18. What's the difference between side effects and symptoms?
  19. Is it possible to major in Aeronautical Engineering and minor in Chemical Engineering in varsity?
  20. What if you have a friend who teases you and then is really nice to you after that?
  21. What are some ups and downs on different cities in Australia?
  22. Is Christ the Redeemer (statue) in Rio de Janeiro really the symbol of Christ?
  23. Do Salma Hayek, Halle Berry, and Scarlett Johansson have breast implants?
  24. What real four letter word can I make from the word "ruin" by just changing one letter, but the word can't be rain?
  25. Do parks allow loud music?
  26. Can someone help me identify my facial structure?
  27. How much is 10 grams?
  28. Should I have Hawaiian music for my party or pop music?
  29. Where could I find songs with two different bands combined?
  30. Is it a compliment or insult when people tell you that you have "cat eyes"?
  31. Is it normal for earrings to itch?
  32. Is there a website I can go to to make sure I have not plagiarized on a research paper?
  33. How are lyrics in musicals different from lyrics for modern songs?
  34. What does it mean when you have diarrhea and it's really black?
  35. Why do my front teeth hurt when I breathe through my mouth?
  36. What's an easy way to revise something?
  37. How can I accept my pale skin, because I hate it?
  38. Why are diabetes and arthritis joints contraindicated for a paraffin bath?
  39. Who likes Avril Lavigne's new song "What the Hell"?
  40. Is it ok to kiss someone after eating ice cream?
  41. How to use a kotex tampon?
  42. What are good foods to have in a luau party?
  43. What can I do to avoid finger calluses from playing guitar?
  44. Can you use a walmart card to buy a master card ?
  45. How can I get the blue stain out of my puppy's hair?
  46. How can I steam rice without an actual steamer?
  47. Why do I twitch when I drink fizzy pop?
  48. What would be an appropriate action to a prank call?
  49. Why is it so hard for me to accept someone's gift?
  50. What will happen if and when the US government shuts down?
  51. What is in coffee that makes you have to use the restroom?
  52. Why do I start coughing when I eat McDonalds?
  53. What is a training corset?
  54. What are some home remedies for treating a really bad dry cough?
  55. Is the omegle-esque chat feature completely gone?
  56. Is curling your lashes harmful to them?
  57. Who are some main characters in the Battle of Bunker Hill?
  58. Where can I find 1 dram citric acid and glycerine?
  59. Do you need a driver's license to obtain a temporary tag permit for your car?
  60. Is there a time difference between Conneticut and PA?
  61. How do you get back on a normal sleep schedule when you work nightshifts and have to deal with school?
  62. What can you recommend when moving countries?
  63. Who in the world can drink 8 glasses of water in a day?
  64. What do you have to do to renew license plate stickers for a car that hasn't had them in a few years?
  65. Can someone other than the owner of the car get a temporarily permit from the DMV?
  66. How should I come out to my parents that I'm bisexual?
  67. How does coughing make your headache worse?
  68. What is your favorite sushi place and your favorite type of sushi?
  69. How do you stop mud-brick houses from deteriorating?
  70. What should I bring on a long hiking trip through a cave?
  71. Are there any other forms of contraception for males besides a condom or a vasectomy?
  72. What gauge is a normal earring hole?
  73. Is it bad that I enjoy feeling hungry?
  74. How do you make pot brownies?
  75. How can you make home made ice cream?
  76. Is it bad to get your nails done while your pregnant?
  77. Is there a reason for my dog to keep eating dirt?
  78. What would cause my cell phone to not keep time?
  79. What should you eat and drink if you have the flu?
  80. Would you say that the Black Eyed Peas have a lot of techno songs?
  81. What shoes go with black knee high socks and denim shorts?
  82. Is there something in motion on the site to make it where we can see who liked our comments on the status update page?
  83. How did "Saint Valentine" show the golden rule?
  84. How do you remove a bee hive without killing the bees?
  85. Would my dentist or doctor tell my mom im bulimic if i asked them about it?
  86. How many calories in a teaspoon of white chocolate and milk chocolate spread?
  87. How many rings can you wear on your hand?
  88. Is it illegal to lock someone INSIDE your house?
  89. What song should I play on guitar for my music GCSE?
  90. What are some good side dishes that go good with chicken sloppy joes?
  91. Where do you go when you have a news story you want to publish?
  92. What did the Czar Nicholas the Second do in Russia?
  93. Is Ron Howard still alive?
  94. What hardware should I include for an advanced home chemistry set?
  95. Who is an army cadet?
  96. can dust kill u overtime??
  97. What can be done to get my dog out of the potted plants?
  98. Do you fart and burp in front of your boy/girlfriend?
  99. Where can I buy a Bound in Blood key?
  100. when a guy shaves his pubes(for all you rookies this is "ball hair") does a blowjob really feel better for him?