Questions & Answers

  1. Marriage Problems
  2. Stumped about pregnancy...
  3. gifts&taxes
  4. Win a fight
  5. Hows your day?
  6. And so the lion fell in love with the lamb
  7. Where can a get a pretty cheap digital camra?
  8. I cant lose weight? I've tried everything!
  9. what to get my new brother in law for christmas?
  10. Cd for my girlfriend
  11. Which dog is worth more
  12. Deleted text messages
  13. Getting Fingered
  14. Sex...Squirting
  15. What's so special about "buffalo nickels?"
  16. What time do you get out of school?
  17. Can lightning electrocute itself?
  18. Family help
  19. Song help again
  20. Shaving tips
  21. Has anyone had the LG Rumor?
  22. Am I old enough?
  23. Should I be mad?
  24. How do I explain how I want my hair cut?
  25. Parents don't want us moving in together
  26. Miami, FL bad neighborhood?
  27. 1991 Honda XR100
  28. Blaming me for something that happend at school, help
  29. Mom is pissed at me and she is calling me a slut skank etc
  30. What's the best sport to lose weight rather quickly?
  31. what to give for xmas?
  32. help ub funkeys gabby
  33. meaning of 2 word poem
  34. how long have your LEVI jeans lasted you?
  35. what do you consider the perfect weight?
  36. Trouble adding friend
  37. how can I find out...
  38. girl related problem
  39. how can I cure bacterial vignosis
  40. Walter the farting dog
  41. Sidekick slide
  42. does anyone else think Paula Deen is Scary...
  43. Can a baby and an adult dog get along in harmony?
  44. Who of ya'll went to summer camps?
  45. Does anyone know how to silkscreen?
  46. Too early for jewelry?
  47. Worst christmas present
  48. SPI MP3
  49. Hey!! Do you live in beverly hills?
  50. Barely see him
  51. I think I'm biting myself in my sleep
  52. Do you believe in miracles?
  53. New years eve
  54. Spot on the petuitary gland...& high prolactin
  55. Flash flash revolution
  56. Highschool gibberish
  57. How does masturbation affect health?
  58. Building a good body?
  59. How do you put the iPod graphics on their profile?
  60. Boredom solution!
  61. What religion has observable verifiable manifestations
  62. Whats better a ps3 or an itouch ???
  63. Which dress do you prefer?
  64. Contemporary Comforters
  65. Acoustic emo/anti-emos not welcome
  66. Lady Gaga's style
  67. Is it ok for me 2 do this ?
  68. Help with prozac overdose
  69. How could I learn astrology?
  70. Flash flash revolution
  71. What happin to all my pics?
  72. Would ferret and dog get along???
  73. I pierced my ears myself, and they may be infected.
  74. carrot cake
  75. Who is she?
  76. Why is it so hard for people to use proper spelling and grammar?
  77. spongebob fans
  78. Inverted nipples
  79. Accidents with condoms
  80. Best romantic Animes?
  81. Bad blood Circulation and being cold
  82. ex boyfriend tells me he has lung cancer?
  83. omg I feel so bad as a big sister
  84. How to be happy??
  85. Locking of individual applications on the KRZR phone?
  86. Soft turtle Shell ?
  87. baby on board.
  88. morning after pill
  89. guys haha around their friends
  90. Worste nick name EVER! AHHH!!
  91. do they actually havee courage to take thngs further.
  92. Which phone would you prefer?
  93. when you were little compared to now
  94. question marks in hotmail email messages
  95. best friend advice?
  96. How can I feel better about myself??
  97. is my turtle sick?
  98. Why is it so hard to let go??
  99. D in math
  100. I don't know how to study