baby on board.

Im 19 and 3 months pregnant, Im in college and havent seen my family since I’ve been here. Christmas break is coming up in a couple days and I havent told my mom that im pregnant. Im pretty nervous awaiting her reaction, she’s all about not having sex till your married and not have children out of wedlock. How should I tell her? if anyone has gone through the same thing or knows someone who has, please give me some advice.


Answer #1

Hi, I’m also 19, I have a 2 year old daughter. I know how hard it is to tell your parents. Well 4 starters just straight out tell them, your 19 your a adult and can make your own decisions. God will never give you anything you can’t handle. It may be hard to do but its much easier to get off your shoulders, lol its not somthing you can hide, well I guess you could try..but I don’t recommend it so just take them sit them down and tell them there’s somthing you need 2 talk about, just blurt it out with out thinking, because then it will be said. Well I hopw my advice helped . Congradulations and good luck on everything.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice