Religion, Spirituality & Folklore Questions

  1. Do you believe in superstitions, or do you think it's all BS?
  2. what is the relation between muslim, christian and indigenous people to each other?
  3. Is there any difference between the sensation/emotions of being 'saved' whether you are a fulfilled follower of Christianity or any other religion?
  4. What does each aura colour mean?
  5. How did God get the Ark of the Covenant back?
  6. Do you think this is just coincidence or something more supernatural?
  7. Why do people get offended when you talk about religion?
  8. Why do people get so freaked out,when you bring up religion or the end of time?
  9. is it wrong to put in 5 dollars with your co workers for a fantasy football pot?
  10. Do you think the Anti-Christ is already on earth?
  11. Do you believe in psychics and fortune tellers?
  12. If life was discovered on another planet, do you think that would prove "God" doesn't exist?
  13. Is it wrong that my teacher still continues to put down my beliefs?
  14. Would you attend church with your child if they asked you too (for non-christians)?
  15. Do you consider Bahà'ism an Abrahamic religion?
  16. What if we're BOTH wrong?
  17. When did Agnosticism begin?
  18. Who started Agnosticism?
  19. How many pagan gods apart from Osiris died and rose again?
  20. What do you believe?
  21. what is an atheists funeral like?
  22. What strengths and weaknesses do all Hindu sects share?
  23. What strengths and weaknesses do all Christian sects share?
  24. Do you think that all of the people who claim they have come in contact with a ghost, or have been haunted by a ghost are lying?
  25. How do you become a saint?
  26. What would hav happen if God should hav created people without eyes?
  27. Do dogs pray, when they look up a piece of tastiness just out of reach?
  28. Who (and when) were the most recent Christian, Islamic and Judaic prophets?
  29. Why is Halal and Kosher meat still ritually killed in the sacrificial manner?
  30. Who has Christinan answers or advice?
  31. How do you react when someone insults your religion or beliefs?
  32. Does God care if one temple has had more money spent on it than the one next door?
  33. do you belive god made another earth same as ares?
  34. Why do muslims call their children "Mohammed" or "Muhammad" even though they aren't aloud to represent prophet Mohammed in any way?
  35. What do you understand by the words 'meaning' and 'life' in the well-known question?
  36. Who has ever dreamed in Black and white?
  37. do you know one reason to follow one specific holiday or celebration?
  38. Why do so many people think you cant understand, or be as commited to god just because you are young?
  39. Who knows that Christians are persecuted today?
  40. Why were the early Christians persecuted?
  41. What do you think about the 14 year old girl getting suspended from school, over a nose ring?
  42. Does it make a difference if you go to church to pray and ask for forgiveness of your sins or do it home?
  43. What do buddist do and believe in?
  44. Is this the correct way for a teacher to react to someones religion?
  45. What would you do if someone told you they were scared for your soul because you did not believe in Jesus Christ?
  46. What's your favourite proverb and how long do you think it has been in use?
  47. Why do religions that support love cause so many wars?
  48. Do you think God frowns upon building cities?
  49. How many parts of the Bible are also in the Koran?
  50. What would have happened if the terrorist would have been from another religion?
  51. What will come to replace monotheism?
  52. Who decided which of the original books should go in each verson of the Bible?
  53. Did Adam and Eve, or the dinosaurs come first?
  54. What does everyone think about the pastor that wants to burn muslim bibles on 9 11?
  55. How many sacred mountains are there on the moon?
  56. Why do people find prayer so offensive?
  57. Why did Noah choose a dove, rather than a homing pigeon, say?
  58. What do you believe is your reason for existence?
  59. What do you think about Judaism?
  60. How to celebrate Halloween the Wiccan way?
  61. Who knows if i can still go to the mask with my period?
  62. Which divisions of Christianity reads the bible (parts of the Old Testament) NOT literally?
  63. Why doesn't god just like, make everything perfect?
  64. how can i tell my mom i am a otherkin?
  65. Why give God credit?
  66. What are the beliefs of Hinduism?
  67. why is it so hard for people to believe that God brought a 8 month old baby out of an coma that have been in since she was 2 months from a baysitter?
  68. would u sell your soul to the devil to get anything u desired?
  69. Is there another woman named besides Eve in scripture KJV ?
  70. Would religion become a minority any time soon?
  71. What bible quotes can i use to teach people to have repsect for there parents?
  72. what exactly is charisma?
  73. what are your opinions on dreams haveing like diffrent meanings and stuff like that?
  74. Can anyone help explain Buddhism and Tao?
  75. Could anyone explain, in the simplest way you can, exactly what is the "Holy Spirit"?
  76. Is it a bad thing to not have a religion, but still beilive in god?
  77. What are your religious veiws?
  78. How to make a ghost to leave without letting your parents know.?
  79. Does anyone else have experience with seeing things happen in their dreams that really happen?
  80. What are your thoughts on the concept of having a soul?
  81. What religion am I, can someone help me out by telling me what religion fits my beliefs?
  82. How would I go about to convert to Buddhism ?
  83. What do you think of the skateboarding priest?
  84. Is it possible to prove that god *doesn't* exist?
  85. Who think the illuminati is real?
  86. What are some good sites to learn about the Wiccan religion??
  87. How do you know the devil is wrong we have never heard his side of the story?
  88. How many animals of each kind did Moses take aboard the ark?
  89. who believes that if you get out of church bad things will start happening?
  90. Do you acknowledge the existence of many Gods, all Gods, one God, no Gods, etc, and why?
  91. do you celebrate christmas or hanaka?
  92. Can you make deals wit Satan and still be a Christian?
  93. Does anyone think that when someone puts so much belief into a scientific theory, its similar as being a religion?
  94. Where was Luke Bilyk born?
  95. What are the functions of the 5 "K's" in Sikhism?
  96. do anybody kno what part inthe bible will tell about the world coming to an end ?
  97. what will happen qhen the world comes to an end ?
  98. What if a nuclear bomb took out Mecca?
  99. What are the beliefs of Scientology?
  100. Can you believe in god but not follow a religion?
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