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What would you do if someone told you they were scared for your soul because you did not believe in Jesus Christ?
A friend of mine (at the time at least) decided to tell me she was worried about the fate of my soul because I was not a Christian. I mean I found it kinda sweet that she cared that much, and I was amused about the rest of it, but another friend of mine (who is actually a Christian) was completely horrified at her behavior. Thoughts?
I can’t even count how many times this has been said to me, I just shrug it off. I’m not ever offended or annoyed more saddened then anything that they feel that if people dont fall into there religion they will be doomed to live in an eternal hell.
I get told that all the time - i just laugh. Its hard to get mad when it someone thats close to you because they honestly are concerned and its a real worry to them seeing as how its their religion. Ive had friends tell me the pray for me, i just say that i appreciate that they care so much and go on with my life.
I most likely wouldn’t respond at all. I would promptly change the subject. If they insisted we discuss it I would just tell them that although I appreciate their concern, I would have to respectfully decline their religious beliefs. The world is made up of different people, and I happen to be one of the people who don’t believe in Jesus Christ.
This is how I saw it…
I would b!tch slap them. =D
just tell them how you truly feel.& give them ur reasons y u dont. also, you can make them understand and see ur point of view:) tell them not everyone believes there is a god not everyone believes in Jesus. there will always be ppl like that. Oh + there are some ppl out there whom they too do not believe in jesus & wat haz happend?! nothing.! its normal, its not like if u dont believe in him ur a devils son/daughter. unless, you have contact with Satan thats y u dont believe in Jesus:/ u go ahead:))
I know better than to argue with certain people. She knew my beliefs, which is why she brought it up. And you’re saying nothing happened because I dont believe in Jesus, but I’m not dead yet. That’s her point. It is impossible to know whether anything would happen.
Even if this person truly cared about you and it was the only reason they were saying it?
Tell an adult
Respond: “Too bad for you.”
I am an adult?
Yes >.> I would be SO P.Oed
Think of this as working in your favor, let’s say this whole story about their religion is true. Chances are, you have people that are pretty much begging god to let you in, what have you go to lose? They’re doing you a favor, the effect might not be immediate, their might not be an effect at all but heck, it’s something.
If anything, and I know you don’t believe in signs but if people care enough about you to hypothetically “protect” you from going “down” then chances are, the diving being acknowledges you, even though you made the “mistake” of not believing in him/her/it.
I just totally made this more complicated then need be… lol
Okay, so if it really bothers you tell her that its nothing and that it doesnt concern her. before i converted i was always told this, and it bugged me a lot for some reason. but if it doesnt really bother just tell her you appericiate her concern and that what you believe is what you believe, and for her not to worry. and yeah
This question again… I’d probably just think of them as a nutcase and walk away. That’s like telling someone you’re scared for their future because they play violent video games.
well I am a Christian (although, apparently being Catholic doesnt count for many people, so I told Im going to hell a lot…) so I will imagine I am not for a bit. If it was a friend, I wouldnt be bothered, it would be nice that they are concerned. If it was a random person it would be different, because then its more them judging you on your chosen lifestyle rather than genuine concern, and I really dont like it when people judge you because your beliefs are different to their own.
Fine then
Shall we not worry about racism and religion and just love each other
I totally agree I am Christian to (Methodist) and I hate it when people judge I read a comment that was full of negativeness and harshness (it was by hystericle, major atheist)
I would say “thank you for caring but don’t judge me by my religion and don’t make me seem stupid for not believing in him.”
Apperintly he is a potty mouth! Excuse my luanguage…… Hahahaha…………………. Awkward
I would just say “awkward turtle.”
honestly this is on you. not what others think.( i am a christian) and no i would not tell someone this. but what i am going to tell you is that what you choose to belive in is on you. what you feel in your heart. what you think is right. you may not always be right but you in your heart feel that you are,.. what she told you was just her being worried for you, she was just showing the love. nothing is gana stop you for beliving in what you choose. but god has a purspose for everyone, you just gata find yours.. hope i helpted.. much love.. <3
She can Love you. That is all we need to do. She means well. Maybe she is worried about her own soul? I dont know. Let us pretend that Christians are perhaps right, and that We can have eternal life through Jesus Christ. Lets pretend that redemption is real, and Jesus is our Lord and Savior. The only thing that will assure so-called damnation is my own closed mindeness. Because if what they say is true, then jesus did all the work on the Cross. The only thing we have to do is believe that a little bit. jesus said a mustard seed of faith. I dont have to buy into it hook line and sinker, i only have to be willing to believe and Pow! I am right in the middle of A new paradigm.
To not have that mustard seed is the so-called sin the holy spirit. Absolute close-mindeness. A hardened heart.
I thank them, then tell them I’m as equally worried about the fate of their next life….karma is unforgiving, and they have not practised right action. It’s a matter of them using their religion to make me see things their way and I, using my own.
oh well, im saying it to those to hav said that and r old now, nothing has happend to them. & they hav been believe in that for a while now:/ thats true, i get her all she wants you be safe, in heaven to hav internal life:) shes concerned bout you, but only cuz you believe in Jesus doesnt mean that’ll be saved. it takes time. Anyways its up to you if u want to go to heaven when Jesus comes….. which is pretty soon>.<
ahhah i somehow agree with u… my sister believes in what you just said:( its stressful -__- ahhh..
but even tho u hav nothing to loose. or if u dont go into heaven … wait wait. if u DON THINK ull go into heaven. what im saying is that its not a waste of time. BEcause following gods rules makes you better person:)why? becasue you dont lie ur honest:) ur humble:) & ull be fair thats what makes god good … but there not all complete…..:/
Haha! :D
I know that. I am not upset with her. I just found it interesting that a Christian friend of mine was absolutely horrified at her behavior while I found it kinda sweet.
Oh for crying out loud, seriously? You pick this moment to try and convert?
I dont have to try to convert. In fact I dont want to. I am just laying out my take on things. The only person who can convert you is you. Dont buy into religions at all TY, it isnt your style, or mine for that matter, but dont shut yourself off. Leave that door open just a smidge.
I’m sure you value your friend, but the truth of the matter is, it is not our right to judge where anyone is going. I have also been told that people are worried for my soul or that I truly am going to hell. None of these people have a special “in” with God or any say as far as where I go, so I truly don’t give a f$%& what they say. My relationship with God is just that, mine. I’m not a christian and I have problems with the bible, but I believe in God with all of my heart. Whatever your beliefs, I say always be open to learn, but stand firm in them. As far as your friend, if she can’t except you for who you are, then is she truly your friend?
I allow for the possibility of many things. I will not allow for the possibility of a God who will condemn those who have done no wrong (like picking the ‘wrong’ belief system), but other than that, I will allow for many things.
She’s a friend, so I would believe she’ld be genuinely concerned & befeared. For example…..like….a comment was hitting earth & everything would be destroyed BUT this one place & you and only a handful of ppl knew about it, you would be telling everyone you loved and would be concerned for their well being hoping they’ld believe you & go with you, etc. I know, bad example, but I think you get the gist. I suppose she believes you’ll wind up in a h3ll and she doesn’t want that. I guess just thank her for her concern and change subject.
I would take that person very seriously. What do you have that is more valuable than your eternal soul? I’d say nothing.
It sounds like that person is a true friend who cares deeply about you (but I can only guess at their true motives).
If I were you I’d pick up a bible and read it for yourself. If I may make a suggestion to save some time for you- check out the book of John, chapter 3. Jesus has a discussion with a religious leader at night. He says some pretty heavy stuff.
my first serious girlfriend once showed up at my door on a sunday morning, proclaiming that my soul was lost, she was so scared for me she was crying and beside herself.. this was a long time ago mind you, but i remember thinking, wow… what is something that allows you to think so selfishly for someone else, even thou they are obviously not concerned about it.. rubbish.. If it is true it is the person that unltimatly has to pay the price.. why be concerned about something that you cannot change, unless im wrong and people can change the exiting path of others by crying crocodile tears. what do i know anyways.
But this assumes that a. belief is within your control, and b. that an omnipotent God wouldnt realize that I dont truly believe, but I am saying I do ‘just in case’. Also, the rules in the bible can get a little crazy, “If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.” No one whose testicles are crushed or whose male organ is cut off shall enter the assembly of the Lord.
The thing is, they are not you, and obviously have no plans on doing so. It may be heavy stuff to you, but it may not be to other people. I think a true friend would at first express concern yet ultimately respect their friends decision to believe in something different.
i would tell them thier relationship with god is theirs just like my relationship with god is mine. and try to hint around that what they just said.. probably didnt make god very pleased in the first place lol
Thats pretty drastic but were they being honest? Did they seem to be worried about your after-life? Had they taken the time to talk to you about who Jesus is at all or what you believed and why? You cannot dump that on someone like that however, look at it like this. If you were blind and getting ready to walk off a cliff, would you want someone to care enough about you to reach out and grab you before it was too late? The question is did I see you stumbling toward the cliff for a few minutes before I tried to talk to you about where I thought you were headed? All things in love or not at all.
Lol. And yes, they were just as delusional and sincere.
Its hard to say what one may fear at the moment when they are dying and death doesn’t care about age unfortunately and you can’t switch sides at the end of the game. That would definitely be one of those times when you say, “Why didn’t I listen or do that back then?” Oooops, too late.
Been there. The close to dying part. Several times actually. (Although I swear the doctors and paramedics were just being dramatic). Haven’t had any such thoughts. Guess you kinda have to believe before you lose consciousness, otherwise it still seems like B.S. when you’re there.
So if someone came to me and said I was at risk of being abducted by aliens, I should also take that seriously? (after all, my physical safety is quite important). Realize that unless you already believe, yes it sounds that ridiculous.
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