Is this the correct way for a teacher to react to someones religion?

We were in class working on a paper & i dont know how the topic of religion was brought up but someone said “anyone who doesnt believe in god is stupid & going to burn in h3ll” so basically everyone knows i dont believe & they turned around & looked at me to see if i was going to react, the teacher then said “why is everyone looking at Irene?” They said “SHE DOESNT BELIEVE IN GOD” the teacher said “thats just..just..awful & disgusting” i was like “what did you just say?” she was like “How can you not believe in your father” I was laughing at this point & just trying to get off the subject then she said “i love you irene,im going to pray for you” i said “ i dont need your love & more certainly dont need your prayers, so keep them, you need the help more than i do” she than started like praying in class saying “father forgive this child & rid her of her disbelief” some crap like that, she said it was the most disgusting thing she ever encountered :S was it right of her to call my beliefs “disgusting”? :S

Answer #1

I would take that to the principal - religious intolerance works both ways…a teacher cannot force religion on a student any more than they can deny a student their religion.

Answer #2

nooo!! not at all. thats teacher is rediculous. you have your beliefs, and your teacher has thers. thats just wrong and so stupid. i am so sorry

Answer #3

how is it wrong for a teacher to say what they believe. if that is then i would also say its wrong for you to say its wrong that you think the situation is wrong. you people are kind of absurd and not really thinking about are beliefs and how contradicted they easliy become. and yes you believe in freedom of speech. if you didnt you wouldnt have responded. and the teacher didnt deny her religion nor did she enforce a religion upon her. the teacher stated what she merely thinks. as did you to this question. im not saying its right cause of a school place. but outside of school i would say nothing wrong. not defending the teacher defending the right.

Answer #4

they shouldnt react at all… we are who we are and if ppl dont like it then they should stick their head in a bucket and say, im stupid, forgive me… mom and dad

Answer #5

The teacher didn’t simply say what she believed…she called Irene’s (lack of) belief “awful and disgusting”, then proceeded to force prayer onto her…I can’t believe you think that’s legitimate behaviour.

Answer #6

Thats friggen messed up.. teacher needs to stfu, everyone lives their life in a different point of view, i say u acuse her of discrimination or idk but dont just not do anything about it u kno, wish d best of lucK :L

Answer #7

when was irene forced to do anything please read what she typed. when you do you will find that prayer shows belief in something. and she prayed to someone. if the teacher doesnt believe in what she said then thats a comedian in the wrong place making prayer for a serious occassion. legitimate behaviour. please read the part where i said outside of school.

Answer #8

by the way i would have given the teacher something to remember. a good damn argument about the situation. oh it would have been fun.

Answer #9

Dude, the teacher was being totally disrespectful. She is saying another person beliefs is stupid and disgusting. She is obviously intolerant of other peoples beliefs. She didn’t have to say that, she should have kept that to herself. People have the right to believe whatever they want, without people judging them, and being disrespectful towards them.

Answer #10

ok. and either you are bad at reading comprehension or read what you wanted. i said its not right for her to say that in school and please remember freedom of speech. please do remember the principal behind that. and then rebuttle. thank you.

Answer #11

You should definately take this to the principal. Nobody should ever push their beliefs on somebody else and especially not teacher-student. She crossed a line and needs to be warned not to do it again.

Answer #12

I agree with Colleen. My school forbids religion to be brought up cause they don’t want major fights and conflicts taking place, I don’t know about other reasons.

Answer #13

Freedom of speech? What about freedom of religion!? Her beliefs were called stupid and disgusting! THANK YOU! lol

Answer #14

personally i would have been outraged and would have definantly fought back on why i dont beleive in that particular god., no its not ok, there behaviour is disgusting not yours. wether anyone beleives in a god or not is not important, its when people dont accept what you beleive in and then tell you how “right” they think they are

Answer #15

I didn’t say was Irene forced to do anything - I said “proceeded to force prayer onto her” - big difference…if you want to know where that comes from, read Irene’s question again, particularly, this part: “father forgive this child & rid her of her disbelief”. It seems that YOU are the one who is “bad at reading comprehension”.

Answer #16

I honestly can’t believe your teacher said that, or that she would let students single you out just because you don’t believe in the same thing they do. That’s wrong on SO many levels. I would have got up, left class, and went straight to the principals office about it. I think you still should.

Answer #17

PERSONALLY I would of had fun( I enjoy religious debates) then reported it to the principal. However, I believe you SHOULD tell the principal ASAP.

Answer #18

lol. funny. but i still dont get why you are crying about. how is she forcing prayer upon her. if that is wrong so it is at home or whenever you do so on your own time. do we need prayer police now. you cant pray for someone who doesnt want prayer for them. so what? this is one reason why america isnt america anymore. too many people crying about dumb stuff.

Answer #19

You’re missing the real point here - it wasn’t the act of prayer that was offensive, it was what the prayer consisted of…I repeat: “father forgive this child & rid her of her disbelief”….rid her of her disbelief. I can’t make it any clearer….you’re going to have to suss this out on your own now.

Answer #20

Why do you always say people are crying? Nobody is crying… ¬_¬

Answer #21

I would have flipped my sh!t.

Answer #22

When I was a sophomore in high school English class our teacher gave us an in-class assignment and those who finished early were allowed to quietly socialize on one side of the classroom. I was sitting with the kids who completed the assignment discussing the movie The Exorcist with them and our teacher. I mentioned that I was an atheist and didn’t believe in God. My teacher actually stopped class interrupting the assignment to start a class discussion about my atheism. She asked the other students in class what they thought of me not believing in God and even egged them on to attack my worldview.

In your case your teacher referring to your worldview as awful and disgusting is beyond the pale. Her praying for you in class is highly inappropriate.

One thing I will say is that having believers trying to savage my atheism and/or “save” me ever since I was 12 has given me a pretty tough skin and I’ve heard every insult and argument they throw at me many times before.

Now when people try to “save” me I usually turn it around on them. Tell them that you are a recovering Christian. Tell them that there is still hope for them and lots of Christians who were just as delusional as they are were able to overcome their brainwashing and indoctrination. Ask them to repeat over and over, “God is not real; it is just a projection of our own ignorance, hopes and fears. If they keep arguing tell them that if they ever decide that they want to get past their delusions that you will be glad to help them but the first step is for them to get out of denial and admit they have a problem. Often offense is the best defense. If they are dismissive and condescending of your atheism you should be the same way toward their beliefs.

Answer #23

If that was me I woulda got up walked out and went straght to the principle

Answer #24

I’m the only one on here who agrees with your teacher. Hahah(:

Answer #25

Oh really? noone cares(((:

Answer #26

Let me guess - you’re a Christian….

Answer #27

um the teacher should not have said that it was awful and disgusting, that IN ITSELF was awful and disgusting behavior on her part. and the fact that she made those remarks about her student during school is pretty crazy, not to mention highly inappropriate. so i DEFINITELY do not agree with her there…….. HOWEVER, if this had not been inside a school environment, then there is not much i could say about it. she called your beliefs disgusting because that is how she feels about nonbelievers in God, so it wasnt exactly polite behavior (an understatement, i know) Aside from that, there are a lot of people who believe in God and theyre going to be saddened by your disbeliefs (though if theyre going to pray for you they SHOULD at least have the decency to do it on their own time and not out loud in front of a classroom), and there are a lot of people who do NOT believe in God and they are going to call the people who believe in God all kinds of names that basically mean crazy. I do believe in God, and i dont appreciate being referred to as crazy/stupid, etc anymore than you want your choices/beliefs to be called out as stupid or disgusting, so i know where youre coming from. but when people take sides on ANY subject there are going to be some offensive remarks, im not saying its right, but it just seems like theres not much anyone can do to stop it altogether so all i can say is, report it to the principal, let the teacher know that you dont appreciate her methods, and try not to let people’s misguided opinions bother you.

Answer #28

wow someone actually agrees with the teacher. that is just plain dumb.

Answer #29

thehairdude the teacher had no right to talk to her like that. im not allowed to shout out my beliefs in MY workplace, its unproffesional and shouldn’t have been done. Not to mention this wasnt a pleasant and private conversation about her religious preferences, nobody asked the teacher. She pretty much harrassed her in front of a classroom in a school environment. Noooot okay

Answer #30

“wow someone actually agrees with the teacher. that is just plain dumb.” Don’t you agree with the teacher? =/

Answer #31

a stupid teacher. she should learn to respect other ppls opinions

Answer #32

Wow, was this at a public institution?!?! If it was I would have one of your friends and yourself launch a formal complaint against the teacher, that was full on harassment, get her fired for that. There is no place for discrimination of that caliber in the public school system.

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