Is it a bad thing to not have a religion, but still beilive in god?

Answer #1

No. Why would it be? You don’t have to follow any religion to believe in a God

Answer #2

The important thing that u have to beilive in god and u do so to me it doesn’t matter :)

Answer #3

I’ve always felt like it was wrong but it feels so right to me to believe that god symbolizes good, and the devil, bad. But I don’t believe any bibels or churches. They just seem like they only care about money and setting fear in peoples minds

Answer #4

Can I ask u something if ur gonna choose a religion what would u choose and why

Answer #5

It’s not wrong. I believe in a God but I refuse to follow any religion. I don’t need to. Don’t make religion ought to be this huge deal when really it’s not

Answer #6

Would u be a chrestian or Muslim or jew

Answer #7

Yeah, it really doesn’t help anything, it only causes hatred

Answer #8

Well I’ve been through a couple things, like my whole life up to age 11 I was christain, but then I started questioning the church and god, and then I became athesist but then recently I felt “something” in my scrotom and thought I had cancer, I was to scared to tell anyone so I prayed to god for curage to tell and for it not to be cancer. So I told, went to the doctor and it wasn’t, so I hav been greatful to god ever since, but I guess if I had to choose, I’d turn toward some kind of religion thts peaceful and doesn’t judge others

Answer #9

I got it. I never felt that I wanna change my religion or something like that but maybe u weren’t very about ur religion so u felt u wanna change it. U believe in god and this is the point so don’t care what religion u should fallow but actually Christianity and Islam are the right way

Answer #10

I do aggree lot’s of churches come off that way. but not all churches are all the same. the things they do with the money are like giving it to people who really need it and to help further God’s family. I myself am i christian and its amazing. technically if you believe in the one and only God your a christian. of course you have to try your hardest to follow all of his rules and commandments. but everyone makes mistakes. i recomend trying full on christianity and see how you like it. you have NOTHING to lose :) and you will gain so much.

Answer #11

No, I would prefer it that way. The problem with religion is that they conform to certain historical happenings and they tell everything they think their god is. I don’t believe anyone should have a copyright on whom any god is and what he believes in. How can they know anyway.

If you have a god and no religion you can keep your basic moral principles, “worship” however you want to, and do what you think is right.

I don’t believe in a god really at this point in time but I do know a lot about religion and things of that nature. But no, it’s not bad.

Answer #12

Fallow ur feelings if u used to be a Christian be christian or if u don’t want it’s ok u just believe in god :)

Answer #13

Thanks, you’ve helped a lot ^_^

Answer #14

Thanks, but yeah it’s like the more you know about religion, the more you don’t want to be apart of it.

Answer #15

No not at all. You dont need to follow any set of rules to be able to talk to god or anything like that. Just bea good person and thats all. Have you ever tried being a mason? freemasonary has alot of great points look it up sometime. Personaly i believe that you are your own god, and your body is your temple, thats all no praying to some magic sky daddy or anything like that.

Answer #16

The question is what do you understand a religion is: just a ritual, a way of life, an empy name….

Answer #17

The object or purpose should be not to “follow” any religion but to “follow” God himself

Answer #18

its not bad, in fact i know how u feel. i beleive in god and was raised catholic but i still havent found a religion that suits me. Just have a close relationship with god and you;ll be good ;)

Answer #19

Well, that’s not necessarily true. But yes, I’ve just had really bad experiences with… people who call themselves religious…

Although a few people I love with everything I am are hardcore Christians and they are the most amazing people I will ever know.

So I do see from both sides of the spectrum and all in between.

You are welcome though. =D

Answer #20

The fact that sometimes circullates forge banknotes (false money), does not mean we cannot find true money. Religions very often depictes God in a bad way, but if HE exist (and you said you believe HE does), HE must have a will of HIS own and we should try to find it out.

Answer #21

Is freemasonary your religion? It could be viewed as one

Answer #22

Adam and Eve claimed for the rigth to decide for themselves what was good or bad, and that poor decision cost a lot to them and to their offspring, including us

Answer #23


Answer #24

Sorry for saying this, like i really am, but the story of them two doesnt seem likely to me, because the fact that all races, and genders, and all that came from just two people is…impossible at the most, like if you think about two white bunnies having kids, they usally have about 20 or so, and if those ones had babies with eachother, they would be most likely deformed and all but they would still be white, most likely

Answer #25

Well, on that matter, we have to look into genetic degradation. What causes human beings to age is “free radicals”, basically the background radiation caused by our sun and other sources. The free-roaming atomic particles get inside of our bodies and bounce around, smashing through and damaging molecular structures such as DNA. This degradation is what causes organic lifeforms to age. This is also the reason that after someone, male or female, achieves a certain age and provides genetic material for the production of offspring, that the child is more likely to be born with defects.

This also applies on a racial level over the millenia, and since the earth’s protective magnetic field has been weakening as its poles have been reversing, we could deduce that ancient humans had a far more pure genetic code. This is why early tribes could live in a clan system and reproduce without problems in an isolated gene pool, where often everyone was related somehow.

Also, I’m not sure where in the Bible it said anyone was white, or for that matter, that Adam and Eve were the only humans ever created. In addition, it is shown that humans, after dozens of generations, will adapt physically to their environment. Africans, last I checked, don’t sunburn very easily because of their excessive pigment. Same for anyone with dark-colored skin. This is why even those of European descent will often develop a tan if they’re in the sun enough. Skin color is just one example of dozens, however, in how humans adapt to their environment.

Answer #26

The only time i read about Adam and Eve was when i was younger, it was a kids bible, and it had pictures of them and apperently they were white, so thats why i said that, but honestly i know hardly anything about religion, i just see what it makes people into and most the time it makes them closed minded, thus i do not want any part of it

Answer #27

No Believe in whatever you want. You can only believe what the mind excepts, your mind doesn’t except the bible and such, so no big deal, don’t force yourself.

Answer #28

you know athiest can believe in god, depending on the type they just don’t have a religon then you have the “extreme” athiest who don’t believe in any god or anything like that

Answer #29

The other day i cought sight with a quotation of an article taken from the book Hereditary in Humans, Philadelphia and New York, 1972, Amram Sheinfeld, page 238, saying:”Cience has corroborated what religions have been preaching for so long[…]Humans from all races have the same common ancestor”

Answer #30

I understand the cientist have taken samples of DNA of people of diferent “races”and came to that conlusion

Answer #31

When someone says that is enough to have a close relationship with God, leaves any room for the Bible, or it is useless?

Answer #32

hmm, that is all intresting…but Were adam and eve able to talk? if not, how exactly do we know about that story?

Answer #33

“YOu can onlu believe what the mind accepts”, I agree with that, but dont you think Drew wants to believe?

Answer #34

Absolutely not bad at all. In fact be dedicated and devoted in what and which ever God you believe in and you be more liberated than those who say you need a religion than those who go to various places of worship. All you need is belief and faith, devote oneself to Him and leave the rest in His hands.

Answer #35

oh. whoa, i think i’m like that then…aginst religion but not god o_O

Answer #36

Personally, i have never heard of a semiprimitive language. As far as i understand, the language (not talking about writing but language) appears very suddenly in the flow of history, completely developed. Did you find otherwise?

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