What do you understand by the words 'meaning' and 'life' in the well-known question?

For instance, is it human life only or all life on this planet, or all life in the universe(s). By ‘meaning’ do you think of purpose, function, future function, function in conjunction with all humanity or all life-forms, or something else? Do you think the scope of the question has changed since someone first thought of it several thousand years ago or more?

Answer #1

I accept the definition of life according to biological science, that being matter which is capable of metabolising nutrients, and able to reproduce, grow, and respond to environmental conditions and stimuli. I do not accept any spiritual or supernatural explanation for life, because there is no evidence to support such conclusions. Life on this planet evolved and developed over billions of years.

All life in the universe…the truth is, we simply don’t know if life exists on other planets. There is a chance it does, although we have yet to discover it. Claims of encounters with life forms from other planets are either unsubstantiated, or proven hoaxes.

As for definitions of life thousands of years ago, we must remember our ancestors believed there were supernatural forces behind all of the natural phenomena they observed. Human life, and all life, was seen as completely dependent on these supernatural forces. Only gradually did humans begin to emphasise their place in the world and assign special significance to their own lives.

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