What do you think about the 14 year old girl getting suspended from school, over a nose ring?

A soft-spoken 14-year-old’s nose piercing has landed her a suspension from school and forced her into the middle of a fight over her First Amendment right to exercise her religion.

Ariana Iacono says she just wants to be a normal teenager at Clayton High School, about 15 miles southeast of Raleigh. She has been suspended since last week because her nose ring violates the Johnston County school system’s dress code.

“I think it’s kind of stupid for them to kick me out of school for a nose piercing,” she said. “It’s in the First Amendment for me to have freedom of religion.”

Lacono and her mother, Nikki, belong to the Church of Body Modification, a small group unfamiliar to rural North Carolina, but one with a clergy, a statement of beliefs and a formal process for accepting new members.

It’s enough to draw the interest of the state chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, which has contacted school officials with concerns that the rights of the Iaconos are being violated by the suspension.

The Iaconos say the school system is ignoring its own dress code policy, which allows exemptions on religious grounds. The effect, Nikki Iacono, 32, says, is that Johnston County school officials are setting themselves up as judges of what constitutes a “real” religion.

“We pretty much flat-out asked them, what guidelines are you following? What do you need to establish a sincere religious belief?,” she said. “We were told that if we were Hindu, or she were Muslim, it would be different.”

On Tuesday, after her first suspension ended, Ariana went back to school with her mother — and her nose ring. She was suspended again, this time for five days. If she comes back to school on Sept. 21 with the nose stud, she’ll face a 10-day suspension or referral to “alternative schooling,” Nikki Iacono said.

Answer #1

I think its stupid. I dont agree with it at all, but the thing is, by letting one piercing you have to allow ALL or else it isn’t fair. The school doesnt look very good with students covered in piercings & its also dangerous because they could get caught on something & pulled out. I dont think 8hours without a piercing will do much harm.

Answer #2

I personally think it’s stupid. That’s weird. The dress code at my school isn’t like that and I’ve seen three people with lip piercings. There’s worse things a kid can do and all they’re doing is wasting energy and their own time over a nose ring where they should be worried about more important things. It’s not like it interferes with the learning environment. I think it’s ridiculous

Answer #3

That is stupid. But there are ALOT of stupid things like how in israel I think, a girl brought here phone to school and because of that she gets 30-40 lashes.

Answer #4

It’s not so much the piercing that worries me, it’s the fact that they don’t acknowledge her religious values that troubles me, it literally makes them look like total hypocrites in doing so.

Now, as for the piercing itself I can’t see it as a problem, maybe a slight distraction but seriously, this is making a mountain out a of mole-hill.

Answer #5

it make no sense over that…..its just a nose ring

Answer #6

If the dress code states no piercings other than ears then it is a violation of the dress code.

Answer #7

it does and doesnt make sense , some schools have no issue and others do , my tip is to cover it the piercing up if you can or take it out while at school. u could always change skools or deal wif the fact that ur skool has this rule.

Answer #8

I sorta see both ways. I think that they do have the right to do that if the dress code stated no piercings were allowed besides the ears. But if the dress code didnt say that then its unfair and stupid.

Answer #9

i think thts effin crazy my friend was 10 and she got her nose ring and no 1 here in warwick cared so i thinks thts stupidc

Answer #10

I think its really stupid ..Because when I was in high school almost everybody had facial piercings and tattoos..so I really think thats crazy.

Answer #11

The Church of Body Modification? Seriously? Uhm ok. I think she broke the rules, and so they were completely justified in suspending her. You cant then go make up a religion to then support what you want to wear. And seriously, I think parents are becoming ridiculous, supporting this crusade for absolutely no good reason. It sets kids up to think that they can get away with whatever they want in the future and they are entitled to whatever they want. Reality doesnt work that way. There are rules out there in the real world and for some reason parents seem to think their kids deserve special treatment and so must be the exception to these rules.

Answer #12

What do you think about the school ignoring the first amendment, freedom of religion? Do you think that the school system is ignoring its own dress code policy, which allows exemptions on religious grounds?

Answer #13

My old school allowed it for Muslims or whatever, and they allowed it for everyone else. Im confused though, is she not religious because they say it would be different if she were Muslim or Hindu…

Answer #14

Basically, they are saying her religion doesn’t count. She wants to know what guidelines are they following, and what do they need to establish a sincere religious belief? They are saying that if she had a well-known religion…it would be different. “Lacono and her mother, Nikki, belong to the Church of Body Modification, a small group unfamiliar to rural North Carolina, but one with a clergy, a statement of beliefs and a formal process for accepting new members.” It’s an unfamiliar religion, but the girl and her mother still think they have freedom of religion. The dress code states that they allow exemptions on religious grounds. If so, then why is she being suspended?

Answer #15

Yeh, but I can see it from the schools point of view. It could get out of hand people could start following religions that tell them they must wear nothing but socks all day every day lol.

Answer #16

Lol but thats still unfair a religion is a religion and if they allow it for mulims they must allow it for all,no questions asked.

Answer #17

When she joined the school that is the rules she signed up for. In my school the same happened, we weren’t allowed piercings and a girl once got suspended for repeatedly not cutting her nails and tying her hair properly. That was the school rules and if 800 other kids could abide by them I don’t see why one should get special treatment If however the nose ring is truly because of religion then I find that it is wrong of the school and they need to apologize, but to me it seems like an stupid excuse for wearing a piercing.

Answer #18

true but in islam that is not allowed.muslims are not allowed to wear make up or anything to beautify themself. they cant shave their eyebrows………..it was unfair either way.

Answer #19

Church of Body Modification does sound like a made up religion so I can understand the skepticism on the school’s part. The problem as I see it is if schools can start deciding that is a legitimatize religion what stops them from using this reasoning as a means to discriminate?

While I can see the school’s point I think having a religious exemption for the dress code makes the nose ring rule unenforceable since it puts the school in the difficult position of having to determine the validity and sincerity of student’s religious views.

Our government does make allowances for certain religions. Indigenous Americans can legally use Peyote for religious rituals. On the other hand they have not recognized the right of Rastafarians to use marijuana in their rituals. Not sure why they allow one or not the other. In the past Americans had to be members of a pacifist religion in order to claim conscientious objector status in war. The difficulty in determining a person’s sincerity made this difficult to enforce as well; now anyone can claim CO status simply claiming they have a philosophical opposition to all war. I think the same issue is at stake here; the school can not prove that a student’s claimed religious views are cynical or sincere.

Answer #20

I believe that it would have been a good idea for the girls parents to notify the school of their religious beliefs BEFORE the girl got her nose pierced. I think it was poor judgement on the parents part to just sit back and believe that the school would take her explanation for face value. I can definitely understand why a school official would view the parents explanation of faith as a copout. Lets face it, the church of bod mod is not a well known religious sect. On top of that, you don’t even communicate with the school about the fact that your child will all of a sudden show up with a dress code violation. I think they handled it the best way the could. Either way, they were going to have to deal with some type of backlash. Either they let the girl slide, and all of a sudden you would see more kids come in with the same explanation.

Answer #21


Answer #22

But then this boils down to what is a religion. If I decide to form a religion of cats where pedophilia is the norm, is that ok? Where exactly do we draw the line at what constitutes a religon and what is acceptable under the guise of religion.

Answer #23

As for our admendments & rights, that completely changes in schools. We don’t have complete freedom of speech nor privacy. They can choose to search your locker or book bag any time. As for freedom of religion, you can wear pentagrams, crosses, those Jewish hats, etc, but a piercing, seriously? A job would have fired her. Heck, at jobs they’re even less lenient. You don’t see ppl(hardly any) wearing those Jewish hats or pentagrams at corner stores now do you? And when was the last time you seen a Muslim wearing the full burqa garb all out covering their face working at windixie or a school? They don’t care 2 squates about your rights. It’s time to wake up and join the real word. They knew the school policies. It’s nothing big. WHy should the school have to change it’s policies for a piercing that could of been done somewhere else on the body to where it didn’t violate. Point blank.To me it sounds as though she’s doing it for publicity.

Answer #24

wow,thats stupid its like earings but in a diferent spot wth is your schools problem

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