How many sacred mountains are there on the moon?

We have/have had lots on earth - Olympus, Everest, Fuji, Ararat, Kilimanjaro, any number of tropical isand volcanos…. The Egyptians deemed Orion sacred, and many other cultures have declared a variety of other cosmic phenomena to be sacred. The Dogon still absolutely believe we (or they) come from Sirius B. How many other sacred places would there have been on nearby planets and moons by now if the telescope had been invented earlier?

Answer #1

I dont think we will ever know what could have been. Im sure there would be more things considered sacred if the telescope was invented earlier. I do know there are 30 mountains on the moon but I dont think any are considered sacred.

Answer #2

There is a total of 30 mountains on the moon here is a list of them: Mons Agnes Mons Ampère Mons André
Mons Ardeshir Mons Argaeus
Mons Blanc Mons Bradley Mons Delisle
Mons Dieter
Mons Dilip
Mons Esam
Mons Ganau
Mons Gruithuisen
Mons Gruithuisen
Mons Hadley
Mons Hadley Delta
Mons Hansteen
Mons Herodotus
Mons Huygens
Mons La Hire
Mons Maraldi
Mons Moro
Mons Penck
Mons Pico Mons Piton
Mons Rümker
Mons Usov
Mons Vinogradov Mons Vitruvius
Mons Wolff Here is also the list of 18 mountains rages on the moon: Montes Agricola
Montes Alpes
Montes Apenninus
Montes Archimedes
Montes Carpatus
Montes Caucasus Montes Cordillera
Montes Haemus
Montes Harbinger
Montes Jura
Montes Pyrenaeus
Montes Recti
Montes Riphaeus Montes Rook
Montes Secchi
Montes Spitzbergen
Montes Taurus
Montes Teneriffe

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