Love & Relationships Questions

  1. What can I do to keep my girlfriend
  2. How do you break up with someone?
  3. how can I get her back?
  4. another question for men
  5. Question for the men
  6. Understanding men
  7. Do I have mono?
  8. Is the real thing starting to happen?
  9. Happiness?
  10. My boyfriend is having problems?
  11. Why doesn't he kiss me in public anymore?
  12. Guys only like me for looks and reputation
  13. I might be pregnant and my fiance moved away
  14. Why are guys so interested in a girls body?
  15. Now what should I do about him?
  16. Should I go back out with him?
  17. What is the most unattractive thing a girl can do?
  18. Is he genuine?
  19. What if I never see him again?
  20. Will I ever get over this mistaken breakup?
  21. How to get over my only real relationship?
  22. New Boyfriend and Happy = Fat?
  23. How to find out if he has a girlfriend?
  24. How to ruin someone's life?
  25. What should I do when he puts his hand around my waist?
  26. How to get my best friend back?
  27. Engagement situation
  28. Long Lost Friend
  29. Had an affair
  30. What do Girls Think of Guys?
  31. Should age matter?
  32. How do you know when you are really in love?
  33. Whats up with teen girls?
  34. Where can I find good prostitutes in Cairns, Australia?
  35. How do you know a guy likes you?
  36. Should I tell him how old I am?
  37. Help with the ex
  38. Fake emo?
  39. I love my ex and I don't get what he's trying to do.
  40. He cheated on her with me, what should I do?
  41. Are we falling apart?
  42. Why is my boyfriend like this?
  43. Is this rude, or is it just me?
  44. Is it bad to break up over texts?
  45. Dr.pepper makes chicks tighter?
  46. I dont think my boyfriend loves me
  47. He wants to get me pregnant
  48. Do you love me?
  49. What if my friend's Mom is sick and her crush is ignoring her?
  50. Does it matter who is superior?
  51. Why do American women love British guys so much?
  52. Are they just messing with me when they flirt?
  53. Meeting the parents
  54. Is it right to take someone back after they've cheated?
  55. Im leaving town and leaving him behind.
  56. I still love my ex-boyfriend after 4 months
  57. Crushes really hurt
  58. How can I pop my cherry
  59. Does he want to be with me?
  60. How old do I look?
  61. Marry someone just because they're the father of your child?
  62. Do you agree with Collette's friends?
  63. Real tips on being popular please?
  64. How can my sister be popular?
  65. Dunb guys
  66. Why are all the hot guys gay?
  67. What to ask my crush to get him interested?
  68. Long distance relationships, do they last ?
  69. Did my friend run away?
  70. How to get confidence to talk to him?
  71. This guy who keeps im'ing me
  72. What if I'm bi and in love with my best friend?
  73. Would he care about what I think?
  74. Does she just want to make me mad?
  75. Should I stay or should I go?
  76. Causes of a swollen lymph node?
  77. Dream interpretation?
  78. Why do people act wrong when they're with people they like?
  79. How to find a girl in roseburg
  80. Does the girl care about penis size?
  81. Older for a lad's family
  82. What is the best way to impress a girl?
  83. What is the best way to impress a girl?
  84. Arranged Marriage versus true love
  85. Rehab, Love, and Life
  86. Do I believe him or not?
  87. I get mad at my boyfriend
  88. What do you think of this girl?
  89. Some guy stuff
  90. Should I stop all contact with my ex?
  91. Friends with benefits
  92. What do you think of this situation?
  93. I get mad at my boyfriend
  94. Does my religion make you not want to be friends?
  95. Am I wrong to act like this?
  96. What should I do if my ex wants me to hang out?
  97. Guys: What do you think?
  98. My negative attitude pisses him off, how to make him happy?
  99. Fool around with him?
  100. Is it normal to remember her phone number?