Fake emo?

My ex boyfriend / best friend is wearing really tight girl pants and drawing guitars constantly and calling himself “ awesome “ all the time. He has a retarded hair cut and it’s so gay. I think he’s pretending to be emo, which is offensive to me beacause I’m emo. I hate him. What should I do to make him stop!!! I hate him I want to kill him ( I won’t though ) he is so annoying!! What should I do?

Answer #1

ya I actually agree with rachitscottio but at the same time I hate posers. you should just ignore him and let him be the dumb one

Answer #2

doesnt everyone have a right to choose what they want to wear do or cut their hair like

People go mad because other people go about taking the piss outta people from differnet groups so now becuase people are integrating you have a problem also can anyone win in this world???

Answer #3

I just think this is all ridiculous.

Answer #4

just be like, uh, wow you’re a poser. who cares. let him look like the fool all on his own.

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