Are they just messing with me when they flirt?

how do I phrase this some girls at my school, (not sure) I think they act as if they like me but I like one of em and I’m worried I’ll choke because I go red in the face A LOT and I dont want to be a complete dipstick. do you think they are messin or do you think I could ask the one I like out HELP MEEE!!!

Answer #1

Its just as hard for girls to filrt w/u. So apreciate the efort. just smile @ tell them as soon as you can if you like them or not.

Answer #2

Some guys like flirt to be friendly, so its really hard to know. Don’t ask someone out until you know each other good. Start talking to him more and hang out with him after school, just to make sure.

Answer #3

all I can say is… always try before you cry lol (basicly meaning if you dont try you will never know, and if you do try, and get shot down then yea it’ll hurt or woteva but atleast you tried and found out)

Answer #4

Um well normally if a girl keeps messing with a guy or a guy keeps messin with a girl it’s a sign that they like you

Answer #5

yH …The main point of the exerice is to MAKE you wannah scream—IF you dont, we;ll bak off! B calm around the girl you like—aAND DO NOT STARE AT HER BRESTS if you dont wannah have eye contact wid her—it’ll go down bad.

so relax and act normal around these girls…and so often do the — O…K wateva you sey!—ITLL MAKE you TAKE CONTROL OF THE SITUATION!

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