Do I believe him or not?

ok so my b/f has supposably been sleeping out on me we was together for about 4 days before I found out that this was supposeably gone on I don’t know who to believe I want to believe him and he acts like he never did but then againits in the back of my head and his cuzn who told me lies a lot so I don’t know who to believe and it was his cuzn by marrages cuzn and who he was suppose to be sleeping with so I don’t know what to do I’m spinning on hill please help me…I love this kid and we’ve been together for 15 months and iknow he loves me and I know I lovehim we want a kid together we want to get married and I’m juss lost I don’t know what to do…please help

Answer #1

Its hard to believe that your 16 years old, by that whole big sentence you just wrote. I couldnt hold my breath long enough to get through it all.

Your only 16, and your talking baby, and marriage already? You need to slow down, and take it one day at a time. Your living in a dream world if you think a baby, and getting married will solve all your problems. Just because you’ve been together for 15 mos. and he says he loves you, doesnt mean he cant cheat on you. It happens all the time. Is there a reason why this person would tell you she slept with your boyfriend if she didnt? Of course your boyfriend isnt going to act like he did it, he has everything to lose here. Dont be one of those naive girlfriends that closes her eyes to things she doesnt want to see. Check into it more, because you have NO future with this guy if you cant trust him!

Answer #2

You confronted him I’m guessing? Well, I can def see where you’re confused. What proof does his cousin have? Do you see any suspect behavior in your boyfriend? Go with what you think. Hopefully your boyfriend is telling the truth. I mean, if you love him and trust him, don’t let someone else come between that trust that you guys have built together.
Good Luck!!

Answer #3

Its problem after problem with him, I honestly think its time to move on.

Answer #4

u think hes cheating?

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