Is this rude, or is it just me?

Ok there is this boy, he has always said he liked me…and hes cool as a friend but I dont like him that way, AT ALL.. Anyways, he is always flirting with me and saying wierd things but im use to it. Then last week he hit my butt in class and im like whatever. Then yesterday hes like im gunna kiss you tomorrow and I tell him no. And then last period we get in class and he starts writting me notes saying im gunna do it but dont tell anyone. So I say, alright? you cant do it but why?!?! and he is like cause.. And we start writting back and forth and im like “ Cody, seriously…you know if I ever liked you even tho I dont, if I did and you asked me out you know you would not really go out with me, you would be to afraid of what people would say”… I know this because his friends make fun of me, I don’t know…because im short…and so im a little bit chibby..but not liek fat.. And then he tells me this “Well you are right I would go out wiht you or be friends with benifits with you but I wouldnt tell anyone because I dont want to get made fun of like thomas does”… thomas is this guy who goes out with this girl who is like…not to be mean really big…and so he compares me to her…what the f*ck. like I am not even huge.. im 130…is that big for a almost 16 year old?

Do you personally think this is mean? I do..but I played it off and just said idgaf lol…

so should I still be his friend? or no? or what?

Am I really ugly? do you think?

Answer #1

In my opinion.. If he truly likes you, he wouldn’t want to hide your relationship from others, and if he really likes you for real, he wouldn’t care about what others think and respect you.

haha… but we have the same problem… except the guy is just to sky to ask me out, Like I know he like me for sure, but he’s such a shy guy.. lol but yeah, I’m also turning 16 and weigh 130.. also a very short person.. I don’t think we’re over weight, just a lil bit chubby thats all… haha

Answer #2

I know. some freinds said im over exaggerating by being mad. but all I can say is he will be sorry when I get taller so I look skinnier and he’ll still “like” me and all…and ill just push him away… he is just way rude :/

it really hurt my feelings..I hate shallow guys :/

Answer #3

He sounds like an as* ! I would not talk to him anymore if I was you! Only a sorry guy would not date a girl he liked because of what other guys would say!

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