Now what should I do about him?

Ok we tried to work it out and it just seems not to be workin and like he calls me every morning like at 6:45 and he didnt call me this morning and he even calls me when he gets out of school! And he hasnt still called me! So like last summer around this time he stoped calling me and when out with a chick name morena but we got back together! And it seems like this is happening again and I dont want it to my heart still hurts every time I think about it and im just so scared it will happen again and I dont want to break up beacause I love him to death! So what should I do about him and before we started going out I miss the way I use to be I miss my old life and it changed so much! Please help and give me good advice!! It would really help!!!

Answer #1

Sit down and talk to him about it.. tell him how you feel, if you are afraid that he is going to hurt you.. again.. then leave him, everyone deserves a second chance, but not 3 or 4 chances.. good luck girl. :]

Answer #2

Well to be totally honest IF he does it again break up with him FOR good!! cause sorta sounds like he’s using u!! So why play his game?? Also he MAY just be busy or have things on him mind!! So wait a while and if he’s going out with someone else then dump him!!

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