Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Eating out a girl
  2. Choose one
  3. People trying to get with you when you're upset
  4. How to get him back
  5. Gettin a boyfriend
  6. How do get a girl fast ???
  7. Lip prob
  8. Love help
  9. Are you the same?
  10. My friend is having a horrible time
  11. How do you...
  12. Queen Bee?
  13. Can I Move Out At 16?
  14. I was Raped.. Help!
  15. Terrifed Guys out there
  16. I'm so heartbroken.
  17. Is it okay to break a promise?
  18. I need your advice
  19. About engagment?
  20. I met him on myspace
  21. Will he get sent to prison?
  22. What is he saying?
  23. Should I ask him out?
  24. I need a boyfriend
  25. Am I Too Close?
  26. Do girls feel bad when their dad fart before them?
  27. One of my friends doesnt like my boyfriend
  28. How to make him fall in love with me for the rest of my life ?
  29. Is She Serious or what?
  30. Cousins friend...weird?
  31. Scared of rejection from him
  32. Was I raped?
  33. I love him so much but he's treating me so bad
  34. I like this girl...
  35. Boy problems for best friend
  36. I want a boyfriend
  37. Is it weird that I suddenly think he's hot?
  38. I like someone a grade older then me
  39. How do you get close to girls?
  40. Young love
  41. Talking and stuff
  42. What can we do when my boyfriend comes over?
  43. Co-co-captain
  44. my brother wants to ask out a girl
  45. Dont Know What To do?
  46. Why are guys so stupid?
  47. Me and my ex
  48. My friends have been acting different around me why?
  49. He knows
  50. Guy or Girl?
  51. Love bug
  52. What the heck is crossara?
  53. How to impress a guy?
  54. What's going on in his mind?
  55. What this mean?
  56. Should I try to get my ex back?
  57. Guys what would you like?
  58. Any women like myself like men in uniform?
  59. Saying no to my boyfriend.
  60. How do I get someone to like me
  61. Which do you prefer...?
  62. When you are losing an argument
  63. Why is he doing this???
  64. Would it be okay?
  65. Boyfriend is clueless about vaginas.
  66. How can I get him to finger me?
  67. Should I pick my crush over my family and friends?
  68. How do you deal with love in this situation?
  69. Why do my friends hate me??
  70. What is the name of my soulmate?
  71. Why do people have to be...I don't know rotten?
  72. Hes Not Even Making An Effort!!
  73. She's driving me crazy
  74. Someone please answer the question: should I even try?
  75. Can one be "in" love if they're 13 years old?
  76. Demanding or does he care?
  77. We broke up, got back together, but im still hurt
  78. If you have to choose a place to date which would you pick
  79. Navy mans girl
  80. Hes not coming back!!?
  81. Whats lube?
  82. What to do what to do
  83. What are some good pick-up lines to use on girls?
  84. My girlfriend accused me of cheating!
  85. Why do guys want girls to swallow?!
  86. Were just like friends!!!
  87. Just curious
  88. Does my girlfriend still love me?
  89. She loves me more than I love her
  90. Boyfriend again...
  91. Is it coming to an end?
  92. Talking dirty but freaky
  93. How do you know if I guy likes you
  94. Some girls cum quicker than others?
  95. Do I love him?
  96. Why dont guys like saying "I love you"?
  97. Puberty! I need answers!
  98. Girls asking guys out
  99. What shape boob do you like lol for guys
  100. What can I buy my boyfriend?