How can I get him to finger me?

Okay so my boyfriend is really shy. We have been dating for over 5 months now and the farthest we have gone is making out. But the other night we were going to take things to the next level. We were cuddling and making out the usual; then he put his hand down my pants to finger me but then all of a sudden he pulls his hand out and moves over. We didnt touch for the rest of the night. I really wanted him to finger me but when I talked to him the next morning he said that he didnt know if what he did was the right thing to do. I dont want to put him in a uncomfortable position but I really want him to do it. How can I get him to do it again??

Answer #1

you’re young, you should wait. I’m guessing he’s young too? therefore he is probably not ready or prepared for this. he’s being the smarter one and waiting. but if it’s what you really want, talk to him about it.

Answer #2

welll im 14 and me and my botfriend went that slow to… mabye even slower… it took us 3 months before we started even making out… and try to go as slow as you can… once you start worrying about the big stuff like sex and stuff… the little stuff like kissing, cuddling and hugging sorta go down the drain… and you can only think about the next time your going to be able to have sex or get fingered or anything…plus its not worth being worried… right now I think im pregnant… but if you do want to now what to do just wait until he wants to do it to you…and try to give him a hand-job…mabye he’ll think your not as inicent as he thought you were… and mabye get a lil bit more sexy with you… lol ;) have fun and stay safe

Answer #3

first off let me say this…your boyfriend is being a very thoughtful young man.

He might not being feeling comfortable just yet…and that is something you need to show patience with…how would you feel if he asked you to give him a hand job out of nowhere?

Or a blow job?

A little odd, I’d imagine…

look…I am glad that you’ve taken things slower then most people have, but you really do need to show some patience with him…ask him why he’s not comfortable..and when he tells you…LISTEN…respect that he’s not ready…when he is…you’ll know…

I know its hard to wait, for with something this really need to show some patience…it’ll be worth it…okay?

Answer #4

your 14 dont worry about sex and foreplay. you have enough to worry about without that

Answer #5

Maybe he is shy because he hasn’t hit puberty yet.. He doesn’t know what to do in a situation like that… Or maybe he has watched the movie “teeth” and has emotional problems with Vagina(s)… Ask him if he would rather wear a Pink sock.. You might be surprised on his answer.

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