Were just like friends!!!

Ok here’s the thing I’ve been going out with ma boyfriend for about 1 year now and we havn’t kissed held hands !!! I no its sound stupid I mean cumon 1 year!!! But I want to atleast kiss him 1 but he wont kiss me I hes had lots of opertunities to kiss me but he wont should I dump him or what cause I dont no please help!!! Thanx xx

Answer #1

you want to at least kiss him once yeh well why are you waiting just kiss him maby he just dosent have the guts to do it because he might be shy embarrased or something like that.

Answer #2

whattt?ok…lets give him the benefit of the doubt and give him some excuses as to why he HAS not kissed his girlfriend of 1 yr. maybe:

    1) finds kissing a gross 
   2)  worries about hygiene? 
   3) doesnt like his teeth? your teeth? 
    4) is a bad kisser/ embarrassed. 

ok- but have you guys slept together? if so, then not kissing needs to be something you guys should talk about. it is only another form of expressing your feelings for someone else. whats wrong with that. if he gives you a concrete reason and you accept it then the rest is up to you. If there is no reason and he cannot work through it evaluate how much kissing really means to you and if you can continue to be like this.

end the end make yourself happy!

Answer #3

what do you mean kissed held hands or do you mean kisssed or held hands

Answer #4

Just talk to him about it, or dump him. Just be like, Are you ever gunna grow some balls and kiss me? (: If not, then your relationship isn’t really going anywhere and find someone else.

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