What is he saying?

I’ve been going out with a guy for a year and he just broke up with me because his mom said we are too young for dating and we are both 15. then he told me he wanted to break up with me anyways because he wants me to be independant. he dosent want me thinking about him so it would interfere with my life. the truth is…ever since we broke up I couldnt stop thinking about him!! he still says that he loves me more than a friend. he told me that he was worried about me going to school because he doesnt really want me to have a boyfriend he wants me to wait until hes 16 so we can date again. but then he told me that he would date other girls. what does this all mean? do you think we are too young? how do I get over him? …I dont understand…

Answer #1

Um… forget him he is lying to you somewhere. I started dating my current boyfriend when I was 14 and now I’m 16 so yeah it doesn’t matter what age you are. If he can’t date till he’s 16 and he’s 15 and he wants you to wait then how can he date other girls if he’s not aloud to date?

The guy sounds really confused and trying to cover up somthing.

Answer #2

I don’t think your too young but if he wants to wait till hes 16 to go out with you again he should stay committed to you, if he wants to see other girls then you should be allowed to do the same. I think you should tell him if hes not willing to stay with you even though you aren’t together then theres no chance for you guys in the future. hope I helped

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