How do you...

mend a broken heart? my heart is broken and I dont know what to do about it. I play a sport so that is helping a little bit but when practice or games are over I am back to being my sulky self. if anyone has any advice please help me. I am so confused and I dont know what to do. I should be able to get over this guy because some how he keeps messing up. but it is really hard to get over a guy with a perfect tan and is a really good kisser. there is a guy who might be interested but is kinda far away so I have kinda just put him out because of that and I am still in love with this other guy. I think about him all the time and even dream about him. he is always on my mind even when I dont want him to be. he has broken my heart but I am still able to have strong feeling for him I dont get it. how do I get over him and how do I mend my heart?

Answer #1

well, it can’t be easy; it never is. the thing is, if he keeps messing things up, like you said he does, then there is a missing element. he may have a perfect tan and be a really good kisser, but there has to be more than that in any successful relationship. maybe, what you could do, is just look at the good times and tell yourself “yeah, they were good; but it isn’t worth the heartbreak”, especially if the bad times out way the good. it won’t be easy, but it’ll be helpful. just think about the people that care about you and are willing to help you. I’m sure that it’s just as hard for them, watching you sulk; it’s never any fun watching a friend suffer. a basic rule, if he’s struck out three times already, just move on; there are better guys out there [who are tan and great kissers] who are going to be more willing to let a relationship work out between the two of you. keep him as a friend, or even an acquantance, but not more. he messed up, you should realize that and just say, “ok, that’s one part of my life, time for the next chapter” it won’t be that bad, especially with friends and family who are willing to help

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