Boyfriend again...

So im 17, hes 20. He works monday-friday. I mostly see him on the weekends. Sometimes during the week he shows up as a surprise. Right now im not working but im trying, and yesterday he broke it off with me because he said im not mature enough and I need to grow up, so I was at my dads and he was supose to be my ride home today, he calls and told me he was still taking me home , so he came and picked me up and I gave him an attitude and when we got to my house he grabbed my hand and looked at me and said I love you and I was wrong to break up with you and I dont want to loose you but you have to promise me you will get a job. And this was also when he told me he did coke. now is he playing games with me , or is he just confused. I want to know if people think as an outsider if he does care. Me and him have been fighting for the past few days. But this is also the few days that he started using coke again. Maybe the drugs are getting to his head and he feels smothered? I dont know but this is the love of my life, and I could be caring his child I just want wats best for are relashionship

Answer #1

If he is really doing cocaine… Step away and play hard to get…

Cocaine is something you don’t want to get mixed up in, not even for a boyfriends sake…

Tell him, if he really loves you… He must give up the cocaine, if he doesn’t send him drug leaflets or information packs… Failer to this if you love him, give him a true hard shock in life and shop him for it (tip-off the police to his activities, they will sort him out and make him realise how stupid he’s really been)…

Don’t give him the attitude, as if he is high on drugs, he could react in a different way to as he would normally.

Answer #2

I think he loves you. There could just be other things going on in his life right now. Have you tried figuring everything out of why he is doing coke ? And does he know you might be carrying his child ? Fighting with him probably isn’t the best thing right now either no matter how pissed off you are, he’ll probably just do more cocaine. He’s probably just scared, and he obviously knows he’s in the wrong. He must care about you a lot to admit it ! lol, just try getting him to quit doing drugs and eventually tell him about the child. And tell him you will look for a job if he quits doing drugs.

I hope I helped (: Good luck !

Answer #3

alrighty…lets slow down a moment and think this out…

so your boyfriend breaks up with you out of the blue, telling you your not mature enough for him…the moment he sees you giving him a bit of a cold shoulder, due to your very understandably hurt heart, he tells you he loves you, but you need to get a job, and that he is a drug addict…all at once?

I think it could be time to tell this boy that you need your space and you need to have time to think this all out like any mature adult…point out that you’re not sure if you want to spend time with a guy who does drugs and you can’t see how his drug addiction will help your already strained emotions towards him…seewhat he says to that…

he might really care, but he’s got a horrible way of showing it…

Answer #4

he’s probably overwhelmed. yes, I think he loves you. but yes- I think your relationship, (like all relationships) have some issues. him telling you, that your immature, is obnoxious. some people say love conquers all, but I slightly disagree. you can love someone more than anything- and they can still have a drug problem. you can’t stay with someone like that if they dont change.. they turn into a completely different person.. someone you don’t even know.

I think he loves you, but probably doesnt know how to show it right now. he’s probably confused, and doesnt know what to think.

he need’s to get help, and I hope you encourage it :)

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