One of my friends doesnt like my boyfriend

One of my friends doesnt like my boyfriend. and he knew it so he sent her a message that said im sorry I get on your nerves I dont mean to please dont hate me …and she wrote back “your know what you do get on my nerves and I dont like you . you are scum . I hate you . I used to lie awake at night wishing you would just leave . I your scum like every other man”

what should I do

Answer #1

she has been telling me that I should dump him for 6 months now and it is really killing me. she used to like him before we started dating … I dont know what to do . I love him but I love her to . but he is a really big part of my life and we are engaged and she knows that .

Answer #2

I just lost a really close friend over my boyfriend. She went and told my mom he was a loser and blah blah (I’m 23, shes 26)… Can you imagine your friend telling on you… She doenst like my boyfriend who im not engaged to. So I guess she lost out on our friendship. All because she was jealous. I mean. I could have tried to spend more time with her, but she didnt give me time to adapt to having a new boyfriend, she just decided right away she wasnt going to like him.

Answer #3

well…maybe your friend is jealous? Tell you friend that you care about her, and you love your boyfriend…she can either be happy for you, or not…and she has to make that choice, either way, let her know its not going to interfere with your relationship and she needs to grow up…

I had that problem just recently with one of my friends as well…I told her just that, and she finally got over herself. I told her “ know I love him…with all my heart, and I’d imagine you’d be happy for me. Now if you don’t like him, fine, but don’t be rude to him. I’m asking you to at least be polite and civile around him. If you can’t do that then we can’t be friends.”

end of discussion.

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