Young love

I’m in love with this boy…and we dated for about 3 months. He broke up with me then asked me back out and then a week or two later he dumped me again. I love him sooo damn much…he’ll never no how much. Do you think that there is a good chance he will ask me back out? I need him in my life so bad.

Answer #1

sweetie, you’re 14… and you sound just like me when I was 14… so I think I can relate… honest to god hon, if he was your first or the first you took seriously… then… yes, I know how it must be painful for you to want him back right now. but hey, like you’ve said it, it’s young love and young love dosen’t last for so long. my first serious relationship was when I was 14 too… and within 3 months… things were going downhill… cause this girl liked him… and he started to like her out of pitty (cause it was our grade 8 year and we were going to seperate high schools and she liked my ex longer then I have… so she was jealous how a girl that has known him for 2yrs can choose over her - a girl that my ex has known from kindergarden!) I broke it off after 3 months… cause things got painful! but after 2 days or so… he asked me back, but when it came to grad, he stepped all over me, by dancing with HER and NOT me! - and he didn’t even break it off with me!! honestly sweetie… guys his age don’t noe how to treat a lady! let him go… you’ll find better guys! live your live to the fullist and forget about him for the moment… and when you don’t think about guys… one will probably be chasing after you! that’s what happened to me! and now me and my current boyfriend are almost together for almost 2 years =)

sorry for the long story… but I hope it helped!

Answer #2

he has to build up some trust for you then or a relationship is never going to work. ask him why he doesn’t believe you when you tell him the truth. prove to him that you would never cheat on him

Answer #3

you can’t really tell unless you know why he broke up with you. and if you care about him so much, why will he never know? if hes your boyfriend you should tell him these things…anyway he’s seems like hes confused about his feelings, don’t get your hopes up too high though.

Answer #4

Yeaa I agree with mnarman092 !! you need to get things straightened up with this guy and know wher you stand.

  and besides if he really loves you he wouldnt be playing with your emotions like that!!!  so enjoy life and stay in touch with any goals in your life you may have had before him or make new ones!!   and go out and pursue them.   a guy should be part of your life or something that completes it, but he shouldnt be your life
Answer #5

ok…thank u!

Answer #6

he broke up with me because he seen me talking to another guy and accused me of cheating…

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