I'm so heartbroken.

When I was 13 (im 15 now), a boy asked me out, and I said yes. We went out for 6 months, and they were the most amazing 6 months of my life. I know I was in love. I’d never felt like that towards anyone before. But one day in october 07, he dumped me. It was over 10 months ago and I just cant get over it. I know hes moved on and doesnt like me any more.

But it hurts so much. I adored him more than anything ever. He was my world, and to me, he was perfect. I miss him so much and I just cant get over it.

I’m sitting crying just writing this, and all I want to do is get over him. I can’t talk to him. I haven’t seen him since it happened because we go to different schools and would meet every weekend instead. But reading comments on his myspace from girls telling him hes amazing make my heart break even more. That used to be me, and all I want is him back, but its never going to happen. I miss him

Answer #1

have you ever tried to be his friend? not saying that wont be difficult but would you rather have him in your life or not at all? I really think you need to get out and just go have fun with yourself! your still really young and have time for more important thingsand people. you deserve better!

Answer #2

I know how you feel, when I was in 7th grade I feel in love with this boy the second time I looked at him I remember almost everything he said to me and it was over a year ago I dont think im over my first love because he meant the world to me but we never really got together we talk once in a while but sometime I wonder why do I love him and I cant get an answer whenever I think throught everything … =/

Answer #3

I know its very hard for you but you reading his comments doesn’t help at all. you should really try to block him out of your life completely even if that does mean blocking him on myspace. the more you look at his page the harder it will be to get over him. try associating with other guys & go out with friends a lot. it IS possible to have a good life without a boyfriend. surround yourself with people that make you smile & laugh. good luck

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