Why do my friends hate me??

Some of my friends are all now… being mean to me because they think I’ve changed im just well I think I kinda have… well im scene and a bunch o my friends resent me for that and I was wondering …is it because im scene and they dont want to be or is it because they belevie I have changed -a l y

Answer #1

I said my friends and who are u calling me a label I just said im scene and if I want to continue being scene I can just dont say im a label this label has a name and my name is my label hi im aly and you r whitch with a capital B if you get my drift I would like good advice people not people that think there all talk and no help please!!!

Answer #2

The fact that you’re so willing to identify yourself with an arbitrary, meaningless label might be turning your more levelheaded friends off. You had four sentences in which to describe yourself, and you used a label to do so twice. If shoving yourself into a pigeonhole is that important to you, be prepared to spend a lot of time away from those who would rather experience as much life as possible instead of one small corner.

It’s like those people who have kids and then suddenly it’s all they care to talk about. Well and good if that’s the choice you want to make, but you’ll pardon me if I don’t want to spend my Saturdays discussing your kid’s bowel movements.

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