Are you the same?

Ok so Im very inexpienced with guy and I went to the movies with a guy and he put his arm around me and was gently grazing my knee with his finger tips(I had my knees to my chest cause I sit this way a lot) and I was turned on just by him touching my knee… is there anyone who is this… sensitive as me?

Answer #1

Whether this guy is your boyfriend or not, when you aren’t used to a certain people doing this stuff to you, you get a real different feeling, and some can be turned on. It is quite normal but the more and more he does it, or anyone does, you will move on to another thing that arouses you. IT”SALL GOOD

Answer #2

dont worry I used to be the xact same I used to get turned on by a guy standing close next 2 me lol! but dont worry about it its completely normal

Answer #3

That is all natural. I assure you he probably was turned on also.

Answer #4

your probably just nervous (:

you’ll get over it.

Answer #5

I used to be. it’s normal..

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