Love & Relationships Questions

  1. What does 'pop your cherry' mean?
  2. Is our age difference a problem?
  3. do you women like being on top or at bottom??
  4. New Years Eve Problem!
  5. cristmas!!!
  6. Should I apologize?
  7. What is a hopeless romantic?
  8. How to make out?
  9. I was wondering...
  10. Withstand pain
  11. I'm losing my mind!
  12. how du I cope with love
  13. can you go to the poilce without Parents knowing you got raped
  14. what do you do HURRY NEED HELP!]<--
  15. making the first move
  16. fond memories
  17. fooling around
  18. kinkyy.
  19. How do I stop fighting with my girlfriend?
  20. how did you feel when breaking up?
  21. boyfriend not talkin to me
  22. I dont know what to do
  23. boyfriend wants to be neighbors with best friend
  24. guys... && me
  25. Best guy friend likes me..
  26. Weird moment...
  27. What to do
  28. Whipped cream
  29. Teen love
  30. Why do people hate us emo kids?
  31. Will it last?
  32. Hilarious : )
  33. Stalker
  34. How do I get him back?
  35. What does it mean?
  36. Jealous??
  37. I hate my mom
  38. I dont get it?
  39. Was it my 'cherry'? I NEED HELP.( mandyloo could help me with this)
  40. How to finger my girlfriend or rub her clit
  41. fist date... ahhh! lol
  42. whats the slimy stuff
  43. where to kiss on a guys body?
  44. Why do dogs sniff butts?
  45. Is he playing hard to get or does he not like me
  46. What so you guys do for fun?
  47. Want to look attractive for him!!!
  48. Boyfriends a Liar do I dump him??
  49. Want a kid so bad
  50. For guys but girls can give suggestions too!
  51. Normal while angry what is this
  52. Girls asking guys out
  53. Do you feel this way ?
  54. When is the best time to ask a woman for marriage?
  55. Getting over him
  56. What to get boyfriend for Christmas?
  57. Helping a friend
  58. I love my bestfriend.
  59. How to get over a really good friend?
  60. is it wrong, careing?
  61. skater boy stole my heart
  62. is it wronge
  63. a hard choice
  64. why do I have this urge?
  65. what should I get my boyfriend for christmas?
  66. what do you think
  67. New Years
  68. falling to fast [please read]
  69. is it hard to get or duz he not like me
  70. ex fiance and letting go
  71. Perfect Guy?
  72. Why Do I Feel This Way.. I Should Hate Her.
  73. I'm really confused with how I feel
  74. Is something wrong with me? :(
  75. Emparissing
  76. Whats most importat?
  77. How do I tell my friend the sad truth
  78. does your boyfriend ever yell or get mad at you?
  79. Jewelry question
  80. Ex boyfriend...
  81. Horny
  82. What makes a good lay?
  83. Why do nice guys finish last?
  84. I feel so guilty
  85. Does This Make Sence
  86. Will he ever like me
  87. Forever love?
  88. Love and some problems
  89. What can you tell me about love?
  90. Losening a pussy
  91. What are some silly things that you and your significant other fight over?
  92. Why do we ( men and women) fight over the remote control?
  93. Does this happen
  94. Food and hunger
  95. Why do guys like girls with blonde hair
  96. Tips for turning a girl on?
  97. What would you do?
  98. howcome...
  99. Hot guy (please read)
  100. this guy I like..