Does this happen

Ok, this one is from my friend…what if she doubts of sperm transfer to her body a day, but got a normal periods after 5 days… So I assume she is not prego.

Can she be still preg. if after s&x , she gets normal /heavy flow periods ? She had anal but the cndm got torn off so he didnt put it inside her, the only doubts she has that she mite have got sprms in his pre-cum etc… I tell her that she cant b prego this way, but she wnats more opinion on same…thsi motnh if she missed her periods, she shud carry tests..thx

Answer #1

Yea I know, most young girls don’t understand though and the easiest way to explain it to them is a”period” like bleeding. It is very similar to a period - I experienced this and it was almost exactly the same as when I was mentstrating. If you didn’t know any better you would assume it was a period.

Answer #2

That is why I put the word “period” in quotes. It’s not an actual period, but a lot of women mistake it for one and think they are not pregnant because of it.

Answer #3

You can still get a “period” when you are pregnant. I had 3 into my pregnancy with my son .

She still needs to take a pregnancy test, although if this was recently it is probley too soon. Tell her to wait 2 weeks, or wait until her next period is due and take 2 pregnancy test. You should always take more than one just be sure.

Answer #4

I just wanted to clarify, because you used the word “period” instead of bleeding.

Answer #5

thx for your response Angelfire, and mandyloo anyways

Answer #6

I would just like to recant what mandyloo said without getting into a huge argument. It is true that women can bleed while being pregnant, but it is NOT a menstrual period. Pregnancy and menstruation cannot take place at the same time. You cannot have your period and continue to be pregnant, but you can experience vaginal bleeding, or early pregnancy bleeding and continue to be pregnant. Implantation bleeding can also occur but the bleeding is NOT a menstrual cycle. Remember when an egg gets fertilized it attaches itself to the thick lining of the uterine wall, resulting in pregnancy, if there’s no fertilization, there’s no pregnancy and no need for that thick lining to nourish a pregnancy. The egg dies and the uterus releases the blood and tissue. That lining is your period. So it is impossible for pregnancies & periods to work simultaneously.

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